Buried five paragraphs into a story published by Cascade PBS/Crosscut regarding so-called “gun violence” in Washington is the acknowledgement the state is rated 9th strictest in the nation for its tough gun laws.
Gun control has failed. Empowering responsible citizens to defend themselves and addressing the underlying causes of violence, we can begin to make progress toward a safer, more peaceful Chicago.
In a misplaced effort to reduce “gun violence”, the Turks & Caicos Islands increased the penalties for firearm and ammunition possession, resulting in the arrest of eight innocent U.S. tourists.
The study found that the effect of constitutional carry laws on reducing murder rates takes time to manifest but that it is statistically significant.
“Preventing gun violence” is not a compelling governmental interest. It is an Orwellian phrase designed to focus the readers attention on guns instead of illegitimate actions.
In attempting to jumpstart from infringing on Second Amendment rights to hyper-regulation of transport, Candidate Elizabeth Warren “jumps the shark”.
One of the ways people who wish the population disarmed deceive, is to conflate a reduction in “gun deaths” with an increase in public safety. This is an incorrect assumption.
As Firearms Owners we need to be braver as a community about confronting those people in our lives who might be needing a conversation about responsible ownership..
Final Chicago Shoot-o-Rahm-a Gun Violence tally for the weekend of November 10th to Sunday Nov. 12th 2017: 2 killed, 18 wounded including 1 shot in the nuts.
All lives count, particularly when it comes to homicides — with or without guns — and the U.S. is nowhere near the top of international homicide rates.
Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus join with the rest of the country in expressing our deepest condolences for those affected by the Las Vegas tragedy last week.
Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) has issued the following statement concerning the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada:
By presenting such “researchers” as the arbiters of what is moderate, it makes opponents seem unreasonable and extreme, which is the goal.
Warning: These FACTS will get you called a racist. The sources for this article is all published data. I’ve even added a reading list for those skeptics who want to learn more…
We all know that the gun control community has co-opted the phrase ‘common sense.’ What is ‘common sense’ to them, is foolishness to us.
Gun violence exists in only very small portions of our population. Most gun crime is committed by a small group of people, and 40% are repeat offenders.
Several days ago, we alerted you to the scheduling of a gun control rally by the Bloomberg Moms. The rally was to be held tonight at a public library on Chicago’s north side.
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) found that Iowa ranks 9th in the country for the least amount of “gun violence.”
Gun violence increasingly is becoming a daily concern for U.S. citizens. Learn to protect yourself in potentially deadly situations.
If we remove the gun related deaths caused by gangs & drugs what would that number look like?
Who cares about the facts? When her gun control agenda is focused on emotion, regardless of the truth…
We are talking today about ways that social workers can help prevent what some people call gun violence.
President Obama announced a number of executive actions “to reduce gun violence and make our communities safer.”
A recent headline at The Hill read “Dems push to end ban on gun violence research”. The only problem is that there is no ban on “gun violence” research.
God for bid the talking heads speak badly of gun control utopias like Chicago and Baltimore who are on track to break all time murder records…
Bob’s brushes with crises, and therefore his, too-close-for- comfort degree of separation of deadly violence is somewhat unique…
More than eight out of ten Americans say that the misuse of guns in violent crimes is a matter for the criminal justice system, not a public health issue…
From the You Can’t Make This Stuff Up files comes an update on heavyweight Hollywood producer hypocrite Harvey Weinstein…
This is an un-teachable moment. A young man stabbed three people and shot three people next to the University of Santa Barbara campus Friday evening. This should teach us what makes us safe and
The City of Chicago, formally ‘murder-capital of the nation’, has just reported it’s lowest murder rate since 1958…