“Gun Guys” Are Pushing In Wrong Direction. Misguided effort to restore rights can destroy rights. Will NRA, GOA and others get it right?
Stop The National Carry ‘Permit’ Movement

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
“Gun Guys” Are Pushing In Wrong Direction. Misguided effort to restore rights can destroy rights. Will NRA, GOA and others get it right?
In Arizona we banned destruction of guns by law. They’re ignoring it. But this law has teeth, and it’s biting back…
The media, completely in the tank for the other candidate, the female who repeatedly attacked abused women for complaining about her husband Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults on them.
The most recent president to exercise U.S statute on the subject was democrat Jimmy Carter, who in 1972 summarily block the entry of anyone from Iran…
A medical marijuana CARD is now Second Amendment disqualification, according to a decision of the uber-liberal federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
The president of color is releasing young prisoners of color, issuing clemency at ten times the historic rate, and no one sees any racism in this?
Without using the lightning-rod term NO-FLY LIST this bill sweeps all those people into a new anti-gun-rights database, because everyone there has been “investigated”. It’s very clever actually…
If you had a gun to protect yourself, but the crook could just take it from you, you wouldn’t need a gun. You could just take the crook’s gun and use that.
From the bill : “No district court of the United States or court of appeals of the United States shall have jurisdiction to consider the lawfulness or constitutionality of this section…”
Here are the highlights from the president’s new gun control plan. He is limited in what he can do without Congress. But his emotional performance was brilliantly performed..
Typically misrepresented in the so-called mainstream media as extreme, the NRA’s positions are apparently too modest to appeal to a large swath of American gun owners.
Gun-rights advocates were virtually speechless and did not believe the change could be true. They were…
Hoplophobia continues to take a huge toll on the nation, distorts the political climate, and costs lives as innocent people are disarmed to help appease the irrational fears of Hoplophobia sufferers..
Am I the only person who noticed the media nationwide speaking about the hero cop who used a “pistol,” while every other story about shooting incidents would use the phrase, “semiautomatic handgun”…
The presence of cop body cameras also have the potential for stopping good, friendly police from cutting you slack, letting you slide for minor infractions, and letting you off with warnings…
Police calmly watched rioters & looters setting fires, driving stolen cars into fires easily within reach, while they had obvious orders to stand around and do absolutely nothing…
But mainstream reporters, editors, producers, and publishers have personal biases against guns and armed citizens, and they don’t like reporting stories that conflict with their agenda…
An entire Page One story failed to identify the party of the disgraced Governor, so appearing as it did in USA Today, that means he must have been a Democrat…
This is also law making by unelected bureaucrats, a complete corruption of our political process. Congress cannot legitimately delegate its law making power to an agency…
Obama has jumped through many hoops to allow many illegals stay in the country, using a pen and a phone, in apparent violation of law…
PBS has once again demonstrated its lack of qualifications for public funding by producing another blatant anti-rights propaganda hit piece against a civil-rights organization with which it disagrees.
What’s even more repulsive is that Obama and de Blasio use a double standard to elevate Sharpton to a dangerous level…
The usual litany of restrictions and gun-ban bills for civilians, which Americans have come to expect in reaction to mass murders here, were never even mentioned throughout Europe…
Critics don’t think the public should be on the hook to insure a very rich private sports enterprise…
Trevor Loudon describes how his small nation and the rest of the Western world depend on us, there is no one else. Who’s going to step up and protect the free world…
These classic political gatherings moved political thought ahead during our Founding, in a way we’re not getting in this country, and that we sorely need…
With your copy of The Heller Case, Gun Rights Affirmed, you’ll enjoy every juicy word of the case that saved the Second Amendment, and advance your own ability to argue the right to keep & bear arms..
Mr. Obama, formerly a community organizer, got on TV and forgot to mention, if you commit strong-arm robberies and then attempt to disarm police officers you ought to be, or are bound to be, shot…
We have the common-sense gun laws people scream about already on the books. Even pro-rights voices don’t know what rules they have, Gun Laws of America changes all that…
Your First Gun speaks to the gunless in terms they can understand, in ways that may be new to you…