Paul Valone has written a very important primer that helps all of us recognize where we can best fit our talents and goals to beat the control freaks and prohibitionists at their own game…
Gun Owners Need More Rules? In This Case, Yes!

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Paul Valone has written a very important primer that helps all of us recognize where we can best fit our talents and goals to beat the control freaks and prohibitionists at their own game…
We know part of the answer was so that ATF management could treat Gunwalker crimes as personnel policy violations.
We know the ATF orchestrated the scheme to allow guns to be “walked” into Mexico. They have no authority to arrange and oversee that into a foreign country.
By not allowing the truth to be known, and by ensuring that those responsible will not be held accountable, the incentive never to do it again has been reduced.
Now the Democrats are betting the electorate has changed enough for denial of rights to be a winning issue.
Where have we seen our urban media betters dismiss flyover Americans as “Deplorables” and slack-jawed yokels before? Or perhaps I should ask “When haven’t we?”
Because he, with other privileged celebrities, came out in full support of the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence/Bloomberg Mayors Against Illegal Guns agenda to “Demand a Plan.”
The real issue here is one that ultimately will determine the “legal” fate of traditional American citizens in general and gun owners in particular..
She said this week, civility would be possible only when she and her party are back in a majority position in both houses of Congress, and the White House.
Serial compromises and betrayals that demotivate a growing number constituents ought to be what really scares Republicans.
If that’s what they’d say about a man many of us considered unacceptably “moderate,” what must they want followers to think about those of us that are more hardline?
Twice failed presidential candidate, Secretary Hillary Clinton, received a consolation prize in San Francisco on Thursday, 14 June, 2018.
Are YOU giving aid and comfort to the enemy? Why?
What don’t they want to share, aside from everything? Scroll through the document and see for yourself how a clear and specific request has been dismissed.
The FBI investigation comes on the heals into calls to look into the Uranium One deal with Russia.
Sadly, Bill of Rights Day is also the anniversary of the day Border Patrol agent Brian Terry died, killed by Mexican cartel criminals on U.S. soil.
“Is there any conceivable turn of events in our politics that could make confiscation happen?” he asks. “And what would a mass seizure look like?”
It’s past time for gun owners to reject the establishment Republican Kool-Aid and insist on principle.
“They are going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them … I don’t think we need guns in this country, and I hate it.”
Trump said this isn’t a time for politics, and I agree, but we must respond to the opportunist left on gun control because they use emotions over reason.
With victims bodies still at the crime scene, Hillary Clinton calls for more gun control and uses this tragedy for her own selfish cause, to disarm all of America.
“Tell the FBI that the public wants the Hillary Clinton records released.”
So it would more accurately be described as the Manipulated Leftist Women’s March. Left unstated is who is doing the manipulation and why.
Everyone has opinions. There’s no indication that the respondents have informed ones. And that’s what Watts is counting on.
Bill Clinton RAPED Juanita Broderick, Donald Trump told some girl she was chubby. Guess who the liberal elite call a sexist?
There’d be no films with millions of enthusiastic fans if not for “armed citizens” employing lethal force to resist a would-be monopoly of violence…
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child- miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic, and useless. Liberalism is the philosophy of sniveling brats!
“Can She Take Away America’s Guns? Miss Sloane Gives It a Try”
As we’ve seen time and again, with “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day – or as Orwell noted, “Freedom is Slavery”
The anti-Trump forces and media, who are now doubling down on mob rule, hopefully will only guarantee their continued irrelevance…