The legislation would ensure that no Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) bureaucrat can strip a veteran with a fiduciary of their rights to keep and bear arms without a judge or court ruling first…
Are all laws having to do with firearms and “gun rights” unconstitutional? “Congress shall make no law” and “shall not be infringed” reflect distinct approaches to constitutional rights…
Americans “we’re tired of being treated like second-class citizens, and that our rights are more important than their ill-advised crusade to disarm law-abiding Americans…
Unless Trump successfully challenges his 34 felony convictions on appeal, he will suffer a lifelong 2A penalty that should trouble civil libertarians across the political spectrum.
The shocking & tragic loss of Peanut the Squirrel echoes the arguments that 2nd Amendment supporters have been making for years about rogue government overreach.
He was utterly incapable of audaciously claiming his own magnificence, his wife’s, or his own right to life and property….
“it should become abundantly clear to various public housing authorities that gun bans are not allowed. Residents do not leave their constitutional rights at the entrance, as each of our victories over the years have affirmed.”
Why is it that once someone has “paid their debt to society,” they can regain the right to vote [& pay taxes], but in most states, they still can’t own a gun?
“All rights protected by the Constitution are equal,” said SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb, “and therefore any infringements on one right should merit the same degree of scorn as infringements against another right.”
The law, which previously mandated a minimum 12-year prison sentence for innocent firearm-related offenses, has been altered to provide judges with more flexibility in sentencing…
Your very important rights have been increasingly dismantled by courts through the aggressive advocacy of “Soros” prosecutors nationwide….
Democrats disapprove of his performance, and a whopping 90 percent of people who plan to vote for Donald Trump disapprove of Biden’s gun policies, the survey revealed.
…the Court concludes that California has violated the Second Amendment rights of the individual plaintiffs who had prior felony convictions…
The Democrats and their Department of “Justice” have displayed a white-hot hatred for law-abiding gun owners and blind rage fed by your tax dollars.
There are at least 4 primary ancillary rights that arise from the 2nd Amendment: the right to train, purchase, make guns, & acquire ammunition.
Mexico is attempting to use the Court to bolster its erroneous $10 billion lawsuit against U.S. manufacturers & undermine Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.
TX: Several young adults filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that requires enhanced background checks for adults under 21.
The people of New Jersey have spoken, a ballot initiative was voted on making weed a “right”, that is a state constitutional amendment was made, making Marijuana legal in the green Garden State.
Authority will make you do things you never thought you would or could actually do. Authority isn’t automatically bad. We just have to be careful about Whose authority we’re submitting to.
One must ask: does that policy choice promote life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; or does that policy choice operate to impede if not altogether preclude life, liberty, and the pursuit of…
If we allow law enforcement to get away with at most getting fired after taking a life when no violence was justified, how long will it be until we are the ones facing such violence?
This is the lesson that many learned in elementary school that if you shout threats at a classmate, you don’t get to whine when he gives you a bloody nose.
Senate Bill No. 1100 (“SB 1100”), raises the minimum age to purchase a “long gun” firearm. This restriction is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2019.
After decades of the culture war, we all should understand that making rights a partisan issue and picking and choosing which we’ll support or oppose on that basis is a bad idea for the whole country.
When I’m told that my Second Amendment Rights don’t really exist, I start to get this crazy idea that the “enlightened utopia” they claim to be building is actually the darkest of tyrannies.
The gun bill was rammed through the Florida Legislature and signed by Florida Governor, Rick Scott, is now causing real financial harm to young adults who lost their rights.
It is simply unacceptable for citizens living in public housing to be denied their basic right to have a firearm for personal protection.
Bill (SB2528 by Ketron and HB2254 by Sargent) is intended specifically to take rights away from nonviolent felons who have already served their time and completed their punishment. The question is why
Any legislation that removes a constitutional right from a segment of law-abiding adults remains an affront to the Second Amendment…
Without the Second Amendment, the rest of our “inalienable rights” as Americans are just hollow promises, so much empty fluff, and will be gone with the wind.