Derrick Ard’s story is what some might describe as chilling, but it reinforced his commitment to teaching gun safety in his community.
Hunting Accidents
NSSF: Fatal Firearm Accident Comparisons
Fatal accidents with firearms are at historic lows. Firearm numbers in society have skyrocketed, but the rate of fatal accidents has fallen 94% in 100 years…
Swimming Pools Six Times More Deadly for Kids than Guns
From a safety perspective, swimming pools and hot tubs are far more dangerous to children then guns are, by over a six to one margin. ..
Attention America: The New York Times Knows What You Should Know & You Need Know No More
In this article, it took the authors 75 paragraphs before they acknowledged that federal statistics, in fact, show a dramatic 30-year downward trend in accidental deaths involving firearms…
Firearm Accident Fatalities at an All-Time Low
Data recently released by the National Center for Health Statistics shows that in 2008, the number and per capita rate of firearm accident deaths fell to an all-time low…
Hunting Is Safer Than Golf and Most Other Activities
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: Hunting with firearms is safe; in fact, hunting with firearms is one of the safest recreational activities in America…
Must Accidental Shootings Be Reported: MCRGO Frequently Asked Question
Is it true that accidental shootings must be reported to the state police?
Accidental Shooting Unrelated to Ben Avery Shooting Facility
Arizona Game and Fish Department wants to make certain the public understands the incident did not occur on Ben Avery Shooting Facility and the accidental shooting was self-inflicted…