That’s exactly why the Founding Fathers included the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights – to allow citizens to shoot back at tyrannical government….
Gun Control Lawmaker Makes Actual Threats of Public Violence in Congress

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
That’s exactly why the Founding Fathers included the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights – to allow citizens to shoot back at tyrannical government….
The misplaced criticism of Hur was one of the year’s most audacious attempts at blame-shifting. Here are some more highlights….
Biden issued some 40 unconditional pardons to individuals, including people convicted of felony crack & methamphetamine distribution, who will now get their gun rights back.
Anti-gun President Joe Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter’s federal gun convictions has made a complete mockery of the cornerstones of the federal gun control regime…
In today’s heated political climate, it is all too easy to witness cognitive dissonance on full display, particularly when discussing President Trump and the Right To Keep & Bear Arms.
Sorry, Harris & Tampon~Tim, but hunters & anglers aren’t falling for the camo hat, astroturf ‘coalition’ of 1 trick. Nice try, though. We will stick with Trump
How can Harris, who has supported banning certain firearms and imposing heavy restrictions on law-abiding citizens, justify owning one of the most popular handguns in America?
California Gov. Newsom is a hypocrite for signing a law barring local governments from requiring voter identification while still expecting citizens to provide ID before exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.
Harris struggled to provide concrete answers on how to address the widespread problem of handgun violence in the U.S. Despite being pressed on the fact that handguns are responsible for 59% of murders nationwide…
In the case of law-abiding American adults exercising their 2nd Amendment rights by buying firearms, Citigroup caved to the gun control protestors & adopted a policy to restrict services to firearm businesses…
Do these groups truly care about public safety, or is their agenda primarily about disarming law-abiding citizens? Spoiler alert: they hate your guns more than the safety of your family….
Their most nonsensical claim: “My” personal safety is solely the government’s responsibility. The government is obligated to protect me from every ill to which flesh is heir, one hundred percent of the time.
On the same day the jury found Hunter Biden guilty of 3 federal gun-related crimes, his father, President Joe Biden, is lecturing victims & survivors of gun-related violence
….for the dozens of guns recovered at crime scenes that D.C. police helped sell, the time-to-crime was at most 20 months – less than two years.
U.S. Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) spent $1 million on private security for herself, all while calling for law-abiding citizens to lose their rights & proclaiming support for “defund the police”…
When they surrender their guns & dismiss their heavily armed, taxpayer-funded security teams, including getting rid of all those “weapons of war,” …I might care.
Fuck the NRA fu*k the NSSF fu*k the entire gun industry for their total abandonment of promoting responsible gun ownership — David Hogg
It was a painful public call-out, pointing out that just because someone hails from the firearms industry doesn’t automatically make them an authority on all firearm types.
Recent developments reveal that prosecutors in New Mexico are planning to re-charge actor Alec Baldwin with involuntary manslaughter.
When inconvenient truth is made plainly visible, the fake-news media always excuses itself by saying, “… images are too disturbing to show.”
The hypocrisy of the gun control movement’s enthusiasm for the new federal office so closely aligned with the White House is not lost on the general public…
The firearm industry is interested in learning how gold bars ended up in Menendez’s home & why he was adamant that all gun exports be run through his committee.
The Evergreen State is on track to see one of the deadliest years on state highways since the 1990s, yet nobody is demanding a ban on automobiles…
Dishonest corporate types cynically announce that weapons are “banned” from their property. Of course, such bans never apply to them personally, nor to their bodyguards.
Hoplophobes are people who have an irrational fear of firearms. What is it like for them as they wait for their monster to attack, and can they be helped?
The ATF’s own sloppy handling of guns led to theft, corruption, and those same guns ending back on the streets involved crimes.
Ironically, Martin, who advocates “No Guns” on Facebook, & lent his name to the federal government disarming his fans. Is the subject of a domestic abuse restraining order?
The PA AG’s office gave the guns to NBC reporter Vaughn Hillyard, a resident of AZ, violating State & Federal law, transferring a working “ghost gun” to an out-of-state resident.
Baldwin’s film crew clearly did not follow strict firearms safety best practices on set. The only way an incident like this can happen is through negligence.
Oh the irony: If convicted on the felony charges, gun-grabber Jones will be legally designated a “prohibited person,” forbidden by law to have a gun.