You won’t believe the hypocrisy from the Office of The Governor that has denied every New Jerseyan the right to purchase a firearm for protection.
New Jersey: Gov Murphy Bans 2A Activity in State, BUT has his Own ARMED Guards ~VIDEO

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
You won’t believe the hypocrisy from the Office of The Governor that has denied every New Jerseyan the right to purchase a firearm for protection.
Reincarnated “Red Guards,” depicted in this film, along with leftist producers of the film, apparently have no problem with engaging in “gun violence,” so long is it is “fun violence!”
330,000 lives are taken per year in America by people committing abortion. One of the biggest causes of preventable deaths is abortion. Didn’t the gun-grabbers say they wanted to save lives?
Newly elected lawmakers in the Commonwealth of Virginia voted to ban firearms carried by the public in the state Capitol buildings on Friday, but not for their armed bodyguards.
Rather than admit to the world that gun-ownership is a right and also a need, the gun-grabbers pretend they have no blood on their hands.
It seems that there’s only one “loophole” in gun laws that anti-gunners are willing to stomach, and that’s the “gun control activist” loophole.
Meanwhile, many gun buyers and Second Amendment supporters have removed all of their business from all of the company’s stores.
The prosecutor’s indictment of this alleged terrorist has Democrats, and their media & Hollywood shills, frantically, desperately scrambling to substantially expand their current cadre of grim-faced,
Critics charge that this hypocritical approach to gun safety was akin to the medieval practice of buying indulgences for sins..
None of the “reporters” listed in the story’s by-line, Chris Glorioso, Evan Stulberger and Ben Berkowitz have responded to questions on why they gave eBay a pass on selling hateful KKK items?
Recall that Senator Blumenthal claimed to have served in Vietnam during the War. He didn’t. When called on the carpet for his blatant lie, Senator Blumenthal didn’t apologize.
Making clear that this lack of candor with voters was a coordinated effort by Cobb and her gun control advocate backers to deceive the public..
Saying that lethal force is at times justified, but that we have no need for the tools to employ such force makes the concept purely hypothetical.
In the wake of last Sunday’s church shooting, leftist, elitist hypocrites are howling for legislation that forever bans private possession of firearms and ammunition.
I don’t really give a damn where you’re from or how you grew up before you wrote your unhinged letter, ill-informed column or dishonest editorial on guns…
All of this would be so much noise if it didn’t illustrate the way in which gun control laws are a dog’s breakfast of regulations…
The elephant in the room is the obvious irony of the “left” taking an NRA ad, and doing exactly what Dana Loesch accused them of doing…
The discussions are already going so far as to suggest that “it served them right,” and “that Republicans are reaping what they’ve sown.”
The Post insists that “Congress should tell the NRA to go away and not come back unless….”
It isn’t Republican or conservative violence or ideals that will destroy the “progressive” movement, it is their own violent, hypocritical, and corrupt actions..
After denigrating it, and all American gun-owners, for decades, and piously declaring that our Second Amendment needs to be repealed, leftists are now desperately arming themselves with real guns…
Dozens of well armed leftists with evil black rifles marched on the Arizona State Capitol, MSNBC freaked out over one Obama protester with a rifle, where is the coverage now?
The anti gun media doesn’t seem to care much about “Saturday-night specials” any more, do they?
What was supposed to be a night of celebrating liberalism & the death of the right turned out to be a nightmare for these people, time to shove it in their face again…
Simultaneously, liberals at the BBC adolescently refuse to use the correct title, “President,” when referring to our President Trump.
More than just classic Ruth, this is class freedom-hating, anti-civil-rights bigotry at its best…
The entire event probably lasted no more than 90 seconds or so, more than enough to completely shake our sense of security in a home we uneventfully have lived in for 25 years.
The NRA is one of the greatest forces for good in America defending all civil rights, yet it is slandered and lied about to promote anti-freedom policies…
The media, completely in the tank for the other candidate, the female who repeatedly attacked abused women for complaining about her husband Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults on them.
In stark contrast, Trump has promised to restore law & order when elected president. It would benefit African-Americans more than any other group…