There’s an exodus underway from West Coast states largely due to left-drifting politics, according to Fox News, and among those heading to “free America” are Washington State gun owners.
After 9 Year Effort, Idaho Governor Signs Knife Rights’ Knife Law Preemption Bill!
Governor Brad Little yesterday signed H0620, Knife Rights’ bill that will enact Knife Rights’ signature Knife Law Preemption in Idaho.
ID: Boise Cancel Culture Hysteria, George Zimmerman & Lethal Force Gun Law Conference
November, 2021, the Riverside Hotel in Boise, Idaho reneged on its commitment to host a gun law conference because of misinformation & cancel culture lies. The organizer explains what happened.
Bear vs People Conflicts Spike in Idaho with Aggressive Bears Killed
The number of bear-human conflicts in Idaho has dramatically spiked according to reports from July through September.
Idaho Gun Owners – Urgent Alert for Idaho House Bill 300 ~ VIDEO
HB 300 will help prepare Idaho for future litigation and offer protections for law enforcement and our elected officials when they refuse to help the Federal government enforce gun control.
Idaho: Mt. Home Mayor Threatens Arrest, Important Election Updates
Idahoans must come together during this time and help one another. We don’t need elected officials targeting citizens for simply trying to live their lives.
Governor Little Signs Bill to Improve Constitutional Carry in Idaho
Governor Little of Idaho has signed into law an improvement to the States Constitutional Carry statute. The law now applies to all U.S. Citizens.
Idaho: Governor Signs Shooting Range Preservation Bill into Law
Governor Brad Little signed shooting range protection legislation, House Bill 396, into law. House Bill 396 passed both chambers of the Idaho Legislature with overwhelming support and will go into..
Republican Lawmaker Lashes Out at Idaho Gun Owners ~ VIDEO
One Idaho Republican lawmaker decided to let loose on the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance because we called him out over his support of Red Flag laws.
Idaho’s Gun Owners Protest Michael Bloomberg in Boise
While we work on pushing pro-gun bills in the capital and stopping anti-gun bills that creep in, we want to tell you about our incredible protest in front of Michael Bloomberg’s office here in Idaho!
Idaho: Join Us For A Protest At Mike Bloomberg’s Office in Boise This Weekend!
The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance will be joining with other organizations that are holding a protest outside of Michael Bloomberg’s office in Boise & you’re invited.
Read the Gun Control Letter Sent to by Sandpoint Idaho’s Mayor Shelby Rognstad
Under current Idaho law, cities and counties are prohibited from regulating the possession of firearms. The gun-grabbing mayor says that the city needs to be able to disarm its citizens.
Bloomberg’s Paid Moms Infecting Idaho’s Capitol, Using Their Children as Pawns
Their [paid] numbers continue to grow and if there is one thing we have learned, their emotional pleas are sometimes bought by Republican lawmakers who don’t know any better.
Radical Gun Grabber Running for Caldwell, Idaho City Council? ~ VIDEO
You would think this candidate would be running for office in a more progressive city like Seattle, Portland, or San Francisco. However, this candidate is trying to win an election in Idaho.
Gun Group Proceeding Forward with Lawsuit Against Sandpoint Idaho
The city of Sandpoint has refused to comply with state law and is allowing a private party to infringe on your gun rights on public property!
ISAA President Denied Entry Into Canyon County Fair for Carrying Firearm ~ VIDEO
You won’t believe what transpired right here in Idaho. It was perhaps the most blatant violation of the 2nd Amendment we have ever experienced firsthand.
Take Our Conservative Political Activism Course ~ ID Second Amendment Alliance, VIDEO
You will learn the story of how the ISAA went from just another gun group to a hard-hitting political machine thanks to the grassroots gun owners who make up the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance.
Protecting Gun Rights In Idaho Takes Volunteers! Are You In?
If there is one thing progressives have proven effective at, it’s getting grassroots mobilized with “boots on the ground” for the issues they are fighting for. It is something defenders of freedom…
Idaho Case Illustrates Attacker Doesn’t Need Weapon to Justify Armed Defense
Keven Custer was attacked, knocked down, had a tooth knocked out and two others cracked. He shot from the ground, hitting his attacker at least four times. An Idaho jury found him not guilty
GOA Pushing Constitutional Carry, Suppressor Deregulation
While the media has been hyper-focused on bad gun control bills at the national level, the reality is that good things are happening for gun owners around the country.
Idaho Governor Signs Constitutional Carry for 18 to 20 Year-Old Adults
Idaho Governor Brad Little signed H206 into law on 2 April, 2019. The bill restores Constitutional Carrry for Idaho adults 18-20 years old.
Idaho Bill to Extend 2A Rights to 18-Year-Olds Goes to Governor Brad Little
An Idaho bill to restore 2nd Amendment rights in Idaho to 18-20-year-old adults in Idaho cities has passed both the House and the Senate. It is on the way to Governor Brad Little for his signature.
Idaho: Senate Committee Passes Self-Defense Legislation
This important legislation would allow those adults aged 18 and older who are legally allowed to carry a firearm for self-defense.
Idaho Senate Hearing on Constitutional Carry Expansion on Friday – Take Action
Bloomberg and his cronies from Moms Demand Action are already pushing Senators to kill the legislation. Be sure to send your Senator an email IMMEDIATELY and encourage them to vote “Yes” on HB 206!
Video Helps Expose Flawed Red Flag Gun Confiscation Laws
Gun owners must do a better job of exposing these laws to those who aren’t deep in the 2nd Amendment fight. We must reach out to those in the “middle” and explain why Red Flag laws are dangerous. Plea
Idaho Senate Opens Door to Gun Confiscation Orders with SJR101 Vote ~ VIDEO
The Idaho State Senate stunned the citizens of Idaho yesterday by opening the possibility of Idaho implementing Gun Confiscation Orders, better known as “Red Flag” laws.
Woman Holds Mountain Lion While Husband Shoots It
A woman separated her dog from a 35 pound mountain lion. Her husband shot it. Idaho gives tips for encountering a mountain lion, and they do not include shooting them.
Gun Grabbers Descend on Idaho’s Capitol! Legislative ~ VIDEO Update
Gun grabbers from Michael Bloomberg’s “Moms Demand Action,” descend on Idaho’s capital in an effort to fight against Idaho’s pro-gun values and to push Bloomberg style gun control.
NRA Announces Cordova as Preferred Vendor & Official Licensed Coolers
The National Rifle Association proudly announces Cordova as the officially licensed cooler and preferred vendor of the NRA. The Idaho-based company with the slogan “2A Is In Our DNA”.
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance Announces Historic Inaugural Banquet
With our organization coming up on its six-year anniversary, we wanted you to join us for this historic event. We are excited to announce our first ever “Gold Member Banquet!”