Once we deal with the immediate problem of this invasion caravan, Republicans and the White House must work to fix our broken immigration system once and for all.
illegal immigration
Will Illegal Immigration Keep The Democrats In Power?
Californian & New York would lose DOZENS of house seats each if illegal aliens were not counted as citizens for the House of Representatives. Is it ANY wonder that these two states automatically regis
Border “Security Theater” as “Mission”
Such false dramatics we would expect from the sleazy BHO Administration, but DJT was supposed to get rid of this kind of contemptuous disrespect for both the mission.
Illegal Immigration, as a Weapon
Liberals actually promote illegal immigration of stagnating, unassimilable hoards that they can then lord-it-over them, and subsequently use them to terrorize the rest of us.
Crisis At The Border By The Numbers
“It is time to reform these outdated immigration rules, and finally bring our immigration system into the 21st century. ” ~ President Donald J. Trump
CJ Grisham Announces Virtual Wall to End Illegal Immigration, Launches Petition
Republican candidate for state representative CJ Grisham announced on Monday his plan to create a “virtual wall” to address border security and illegal immigration.
What President Trump has Done will Assure his Re-election in 2020
There are some who would rather see the nation burn than for Trump to succeed. DJT is doing what his base wanted. He is doing what is right for the country.
Response to United Federation of Teachers Open Borders Take on Who Is American
Former teacher, Stephen L. D’Andrilli, retired, takes issue with United Federation of Teachers presidents’ open borders interpretation of what it is to be American.
Never Give an Inch to the Hypocrites
DJT should persist in continuing to break-down entrenched leftist mechanisms. He, and all of us, need to hold fast and not give an inch to vocal, violent international leftist intimidation…
Of Course U.S. Can Ban Select Alien Immigrants – Democrats Already Have
The most recent president to exercise U.S statute on the subject was democrat Jimmy Carter, who in 1972 summarily block the entry of anyone from Iran…
Immigration Isn’t Broken – Immigrant Advocates & The Media Are
What’s broken is that the “news” media generally supports illegal immigration.
GOA Defaults on Pledge to Score Immigration on Candidate Grades
GOA admits “pathway to citizenship” amnesty will be “the ball game” for the 2nd Amendment and pledged to factor candidate positions in its scores. That hasn’t happened.