The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reports there were 1,487,871 background checks in the month of February, 2016.
Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA)
The American Marksman Regional Championship Has Been Moved
I regret to inform you that the American Marksman Regional Championship has been moved from the ISRA Range (near Kankakee), to the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association Range (NMLRA) in…..
What Gun Control Happens in New York, Doesn’t Stay in NY
Before I get 5000 emails from those of you who don’t care about New York, remember that what happens elsewhere will happen here…
Crazy Father Pfleger To Head Up Panel On “Gun Violence” (aka Gun Control)
Renegade priest Father Pfleger will highlight a panel on gun control the evening of Saturday, February 27th 2016 at St. Barnabas Church
ISRA Thursday Bulletin – A Message from ISRA’s Executive Director ~ 2/18/16
A champion has fallen! Antonin Scalia was a champion for every American because he was a champion for the Constitution of the United States.
Gun Grabbers To Hold Meeting To Discuss Shutting Down Gun Shops
Gun banners are intent on preventing the opening of new gun shops or ranges & working very hard to shut down existing ones. Urgent Alert, Your Action Required…
‘Common Use’ Firearms Split Decision Heads Toward SCOTUS
“Common use” simply means the firearms that are commonly used by average citizens. At least to people that speak freedom…
1000 Word Essay to Have a Gun? That Is Why Illinois Needs Better Gun Law Preemption
If you are a citizen of Lowell, MA you have to invest $2000 in gun classes covering six days, your license fee, your firearm and accessories, and a 1000-word essay…
Comcast Bans NRA Gun Images – You Have To Be In This Fight
Now Comcast, the cable network, has told the NRA that they cannot show any firearms in their ads…WTF?
ISRA Legal Assistance Committee 2016 Benefit Banquet
Illinois State Rifle Association Legal Assistance Committee 2016 Benefit Banquet will be held Thursday, February 11, 2016, at the Diplomat West Banquet Hall in Elmhurst, Illinois (corner of…..
ISRA Thursday Bulletin – A Message from ISRA’s Executive Director ~ 1/14/16
For those of you who watched Obama’s “Town Hall” on CNN undoubtedly noticed a beautiful young woman, Kimberly Corban, from Colorado.
Congratulations to Remington on their 200th Anniversary – ISRA
Gun owners of the USA are the anchor that is keeping the entire Constitution from being swept away. We must stick together & work harder than ever. I predict 2016 will be a very difficult year…
Alert : ACRGO Charlatan Claims To Represent Gun Owners
Like previous “NRA-alternative” groups, the ACRGO is apparently a one-man show backed up by little more than a web site and several social media pages.
Happy New Year & a Message from ISRA’s Executive Director
In a few hours it will be 2016. 2016 will be a pressure- packed year for gun owners. We got a glimpse of things to come in the partnership between Michael Bloomberg and the National Basketball…..
Passing Of ISRA General Counsel, Vic Quilici
It is with the deepest regret that Illinois State Rifle Association announces that the association’s General Counsel, Victor D. Quilici passed way on December 11, 2015…
Gun Confiscation Legislation Introduced in Illinois; Most Anti-Gun Bill Ever
On Saturday, Dec. 11, hardcore antigun extremists in the Illinois House introduced HB4359 which would require you to surrender your FOID card and firearms if your name ever appears on the…..
Special Alert: This Weekend is “Illinois Family Security Weekend”
The closing months of 2015 provide chilling proof of just how successful Obama has been in engineering the decline of the USA.
Anti-Gunners Push for More Gun Control after Mass Shooting in California
The last few weeks have to be placed in the “never a dull moment” category, if you keep such things.
America’s Hunters & Sportsmen Expected To Take It In Obama’s War On Terror
According to Obama, the nation needs to make friends with everyone – everyone except the nation’s lawful firearm owners, that is..
President Obama Signs National Defense Authorization Act and More from the ISRA
At last the President has signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This has several important provisions for gun owners.
Illinois State Rifle Association Offers Holiday Shopping Advice
There’s no better way to let that special someone know you’re thinking about them than with a gift of a fine firearm or shooting sports accessories…
This Can’t Be Happening To Me – I’m A Good Person
Bad things do happen to good people. That is the way it is. It is up to each of us to be prepared and ready. That is just the way it is…
Illinois: A Message from ISRA’s Executive Director
Your life matters. The lives of your loved ones matter…..
Illinois: Cook County Board President Announces Intention to Pass Ammunition Taxes
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle officially announced today her intention to pass the county’s first round of ammunition taxes during this Friday’s county board meeting.
Armed Robber’s Family Complains He Was Shot Too Many Times
He threatened a clerk and when another employee appeared, the robber pointed the gun at her and ordered her to the back of the store…
International Chief’s Convention – A Gun-Control Circus
With the bloodstained streets of the South Side as a backdrop, the Chiefs attacked lawful gun owners, vilified the NRA, & called for the end of firearm….
Illinois Is Not The Worst Government In The United States
I know most Illinois citizens are upset with what is going on in Springfield so let me clear it up for you.
America Needs More Concealed Carry Permits
Not every mayor in the world is as empty headed on guns as some mayors in the United States.
A Message from ISRA’s Executive Director
In the last couple of weeks we have watched and listened to anti-gun messages blasted across America, assisted by the mainstream media.
Sorry, Obama, Lawful Gun Owners Won’t Be Paying Penance For Acts of a Mass Murderer
The ISRA hates to disappoint Mr. Obama but the nation’s lawful firearm owners won’t take it on the chin because a bigot decided to murder Christian people…