Terril puts the Ruger 10/22 Takedown rifle through its paces to see if it lives up to the claim of being the ultimate survival rifle.
Ruger 10/22 Takedown – The Ultimate Survival Rifle?

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Terril puts the Ruger 10/22 Takedown rifle through its paces to see if it lives up to the claim of being the ultimate survival rifle.
Ruger’s Gunsite Scout rifle is the holy grail for shooters searching for a fast handling bolt gun that can be used to take game animals as well as for self-defense against two-legged pests.
A weekend sale on the Ruger Wrangler 22LR 4.6″ 6 round Revolver for just $199.99 with FREE Shipping in two colorways.
Finding the perfect truck gun for less than $1200 can be a daunting challenge even with the buyers market, insane sale prices, and wide array of choices. Never fear, we found it for you!
Catch this sale on the Ruger LCP II .380ACP Pistol in Black with 6+1 round capacity for just $259.99 & FREE shipping options.
The Ruger Silent-SR Suppressor is one of the better-built cans & Ruger fans who have threaded barrel 22s should love it as part of their systems of suppressed firearms.
Kentucky Gun Co has in-stock and shipping the RUGER AR-556 223/5.56 16.1″ Rifle for a check price of $696.99. It has been half a year since we have seen these…
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. is proud to announce that the Ruger-57 pistol has been awarded the Caliber Award in the Best Overall New Product category
The PC Carbine M-LOK model is available in 9mm and uses Ruger SR9 magazines. The idea is that you can share not only ammo but magazines between the carbine and your Ruger handgun.
The board of directors must provide “evidence of monitoring of violent events” that are associated with the sale of their firearms along with methods of producing safer guns.
What if you had to choose to live with only one handgun? What would the be best one handgun to own?
Unlike most, my campaign promises are practical. If elected President, I will see a Ruger 10/22 Rifle, or maybe two, in every home.
An experimenter has assembled a 3D printed version of a Ruger inspired Pistol. The video shows the first demonstration of the pistol..
The new SR-556/6.8 brings the power and downrange authority of the 6.8 SPC cartridge in a two-stage piston rifle..