Brandon Herrera, popular YouTube personality, gun designer, FFL, and all-around good guy, has declared his candidacy for Congress in the 23rd District of Texas.
Herrera for Congress: Let’s Go Brandon!!!

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Brandon Herrera, popular YouTube personality, gun designer, FFL, and all-around good guy, has declared his candidacy for Congress in the 23rd District of Texas.
The NRA needs Directors who are willing to ask tough questions, challenge the status quo, and stand up for the membership.
The silencing & canceling campaigns, along with the NRA’s self-inflicted wounds & the media & politicians’ increased efforts to demonize us, our guns, & our rights, are working.
Dell’Aquila began looking closer at where his NRA donations were actually going, he began asking questions about how his & other members’ money was being spent?
Another swing & a miss for the NRA & their over priced hack attorneys at the Brewer law firm, this time in a motion to intervene in a case brought by the Second Amendment Foundation.
If you currently own an AR-style pistol, & you possess a brace that can be attached to that pistol, then you are subject to felony prosecution by the Federal Government.
There is unanimous belief that if the case does finally get to trial, the NRA and the named defendants are going to lose badly.
She helplessly watched both of her parents shot down in cold blood. When police finally arrived & engaged the attacker, the murderer immediately committed suicide.
Can we really expect any politician to be more firmly grounded in Second Amendment history and principles than the head of the most powerful gun rights organization in the world?
That criminal charges were brought against Ervin in the first place is a travesty. The fact that he has been held in custody without bail for two years is an absolute outrage.
Then in a surprise move, the board elected Bob Barr to replace Willes Lee as First VP. Without the Bylaw change, Lee could have been elected NRA President.
Any Republicans complicit in the passage of the Safer Communities Act & its included gun control measures should automatically be denied the Leader position.
The latest big reveal is that the NRA settled a collection of lawsuits between NRA and their long-time PR firm Ackerman McQueen for $12 million!
A new move is afoot in the ongoing soap opera that is today’s National Rifle Association. A motion has been put forward to amend the current Bylaws to allow more continued unaccountability….
Can you imagine seeing a western movie in which the actors hold their Peacemakers with their trigger fingers pointed straight along the frame rather than inside the trigger guard.
Baldwins’ claims that he didn’t “pull” the trigger, are probably true. He probably didn’t cock the hammer back and deliberately press the trigger to…
Younger gun owners now perceive the NRA as a “Fudd” organization, more focused on “sporting purposes” than on preservation of the Second Amendment as a natural right.
I really love that Cheryl, Danny, & I represent the second generation of leadership in the Second Amendment movement in our great state of Arizona.
This could be our last chance to vote in an NRA Board of Directors election. Unfortunately, there’s not really anyone to vote for…
The BATFE has released a letter to FFLs and the public, “clarifying” their new rules regarding so-called “80% receivers,” which were adopted earlier this year.
The sad reality is that a few people lose their minds, but some do. The number of people who experience total breakdown is, fortunately, a tiny fragment of the population.
It was already too short to allow the State Police to build, test, & implement a registration & permitting system. The deadline now is December 8th, 2022.
That’s just the sort of idiotic intersectional BS that prevents real solutions from being found and implemented. We’ve had enough of the blame games & distractions.
Now, with the clear evidence of 25 Constitutional Carry states, there’s no excuse for any politician to suggest calamitous results from liberalizing gun control laws.
So what can you do? As my mother always said: “If you can’t say something nice about the Republican, say something negative about the Democrat.”
We GunVoters must act in our own best interests. Like it or not, we live in a two-party system. One of those parties has declared all-out war on our rights.
Biden and the Democrats are Trolling GunVoters and the “right.” Don’t take their bait. Don’t give them bad behavior in response to inflammatory rhetoric. Hold the line.
As “military-style” arms are specifically identified as protected in the Court’s Miller decision, the matter should be considered pretty well settled.
For decades, some members of the Supreme Court have allowed politics and personal beliefs to encroach on the way they apply the Constitution.
You would think that chief Republican sellout, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, would have gotten a clue when he was booed off the stage in his home state.