Joanne D. Eisen passed away after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer, leaving behind a legacy of tireless Second Amendment advocacy & impactful writings.
Patriot ~ Joanne D Eisen Passes

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Joanne D. Eisen passed away after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer, leaving behind a legacy of tireless Second Amendment advocacy & impactful writings.
The public health experts who embarrassed themselves with bad advice on COVID are the same “experts” who arrogantly offer advice about gun ownership.
Perhaps the UN and its member governments should concentrate on providing security and good governance instead of demands for disarmament that promises peace but too often leads to violence.
Millions of armed civilians exist right here in the U.S. They, and their guns, already serve to protect their fellow Americans…
Gun owners know guns have a positive effect on their lives. But just how much benefit is there in a lethal tool? A look at how beneficial firearms are to average civilians.
Socialists are exploiting constant crises to radically change a culture that has endured over 200 years. Simultaneously, attempting to make gun ownership difficult…
There are 25+ thousand Federal, State, & local gun laws in the US. Yet we are told we need still more!? Pro-gun-control advocates & scientists have made a mess of the truth.
If generally law-abiding folks are willing to disobey the law of their state gun laws by not using Expanded NICS, why should we expect criminals & felons to use it?
A familiar hoax is that guns & gun owners are dangerous. It’s an assumption that politicians use to claim we need more laws to deal with gun violence.
In other words, localities may not casually ban guns in the very places where they might be needed.
But guess what the progressives in New York State did?
“The very strong deterrent effect of armed victims is demonstrated by the consistent behavior of tyrants waiting to start mass murder until the victims have been disarmed.” ~ Dave Kopel.
Until the Biden Administration recovers all the weapons & armaments they “gifted” to the Taliban, we really don’t want to hear squat about Gun Control!
Democrats are rushing to their goal by any means possible, stepping over their enemies, and the more corrupt their schemes, the happier they seem to be.
America’s civilian gun inventory is currently estimated at over 400 million. It is a sure bet that Americans will never comply.
Democrats are NOT satisfied with minor political changes, and the temporary power they hold. They want to ensure a permanent hold on their power, so they need to make massive political and social…
Not only must Americans accept that Trump is an insurrectionist, but they must also believe gun owners are insurrectionists, too.
The Democrats turned our sense of fair play & morality into weakness. Our enemies do not understand that what they interpret as weaknesses are our strengths.
In 1911, New York State passed the Sullivan Act, which created a situation that made weapons practically illegal to own or to carry. And in 1993, the NYPD estimated that as many as 2 million illegal..
When you legally use a firearm for defense, and you have no idea what the next moment after will bring. With an insurance plan already in place, you will have a number to call, to help get things…
Everyone, left, right, and centered, now fully understood what the Democrats policies really meant, Danger For/To Us All. Normal Democrats, who were silently waiting for a smidgeon of reason, were.
We want to welcome the gun owners Class 0f 2020! The first 5 months of 2020, on a monthly basis, has broken every January, February, March, April, & May record of the past 10 years. The numbers are…
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). How could NEJM publish such obvious drivel? They wanted to frighten us into believing them…
“The Second Amendment is not about hunting deer or shooting at targets in the woods. Anybody who thinks that is nuts.”
Is the Federal Government, via the ATF Form 4473, desiring to create a future firearms list, or database, of firearm owners?
Virginia Democrats, on the other hand, slinked by, heads down, only quick glances, and hurried into the tunnel. Not one Democrat came over. It was a long walk of shame, for them.
If Virginians fail, and Dems successfully impose these restrictive laws and regulations on firearms owning Virginians, the way Gov. Cuomo did in New York State, the Democrats will be emboldened..
Democrats, ignored the benefits and magnified the disadvantages of civilian-owned weapons. They tried to frighten gun owners and non-gun owners alike into making poor choices based on emotion…
We cannot be disarmed. Government agents would soon find that the task is beyond their capabilities. If there are to be civil disturbances, gun owners will not be the losers.
What went on, might seem strange to us, almost insane or stupid. It’s what our left does that allow them to lie so constantly.
With the Trump pull out, of the United States, from the treaty, those who mistakenly believe that control of weapons sales can actually prevent genocide, crimes against women & children, are reacting