Anti-weapons groups have turned aside from American gun-owners for the moment but will be setting their sights onto the next easiest group, legal arms & ammunition manufactures…
Arms Trade Treaty, Weapons Manufacturers and Lunatics

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Anti-weapons groups have turned aside from American gun-owners for the moment but will be setting their sights onto the next easiest group, legal arms & ammunition manufactures…
We grieve with Andy Parker and his family, whose daughter, Alison, was murdered during a TV news broadcast. It must be unbearable to suffer the senseless loss of a child.
Paul Gallant spent many hours, many days, his life, serving us by figuring out the lies & by proving to us that we were not guilty of anything, but our love of Freedom…
Why should we let the time come when the Second Amendment is the last remaining freedom amendment and our children need it as their last resort???
ISACS WILL be used as a weapon against all lawful gun owners and their right to self defense…
Over & over again, we recognize that anti gun folk’s speech that we & our guns are the problem, is false. We know that their real goal is not greater safety, but the elimination of civilian owned firearms…
It is damned stupid to tolerate those who call us names. And it is inconsistent with the free future of our kids if we gun owners can’t unify behind staunch freedom loving politicians…
Democrats & republicans who have been taking pot-shots at our Second Amendment, and think you can get in just one more shot – Be it known, that you are in for the political fight of your lives…
The new gun owners must be educated. They must understand the responsibilities of freedom. This generation of gun owners can no longer wait on the sidelines for others to carry the load…
British subjects have become accustomed to bobbies whose goal is to fine tune the stats instead of recovering their stolen goods or protecting their own disarmed selves…
The prohibitionist have been working on their dream laws in a separate document. In this document they dreamed their damnedest, and they wrote and created the International Small Arms Control Standard…
We don’t have to lie or obfuscate any facts to know we’re right. But the British gun control philosophy needs exactly that. So it’s no surprise that the latest Winsor report has gone missing…
It must be embarrassing for British firearm-prohibitionists to see their philosophy failing in their own backyard, especially in view of their intense desire to export that philosophy to other nations around the globe…
In 1997, a restrictive firearms law virtually banned handguns in Britain. Crime rose rapidly, but then, according to government figures, crime began to fall. Is this really so???
To hide the facts from its citizens, and from the rest of the world, the British government has been working overtime, by fudging the statistics…
That United Nation’s perspective is foolish: the benefits of private firearm ownership far outweigh the costs. And it’s not just Americans who know that…
We, as gun owners, are constantly under siege by a plethora of legal attacks. Whether it be self-defense, stand-your-ground, how many bullets can you carry, all cases where individuals need to say NO…
Control: Exposing the Truth about Guns, gives us the facts in a manner that makes it easy for us to convincingly explain to our “friends”, the doubting thomas’s, that ‘gun safety’ and ‘gun control’ are not the same…
They said “it can’t happen here.” But increasingly, many of our fellow Americans are just now realizing how close we are to tyranny. It’s no longer about just a piece of the Constitution…
Many American gun-owners are intimidated or confused about their ownership because of the widespread propaganda telling them that we firearm owners are deranged demons, liars, or at best, ignorant…
We have enemies at home, and enemies abroad, they all have one goal, to disarm the American people and impose their own brand of Democratic Socialism on us…
Law-abiding American gun owners must ALWAYS remember that the intent of ATT, the one-world government lovers, the gun-haters and the gun-grabbers, is the eventual disarmament of all civilians gun owners…
Logic tells us that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System will never work to control crime in America, even if it is expanded to become “universal”. The very nature of how criminals obtain firearms is criminal…
How many American civilian gun-owners are out there, and can we be disarmed by our politicians???
A sweeping federal review of the nation’s gun control laws, including mandatory waiting periods and bans on certain weapons, found no proof such measures reduce firearm violence. Yet politicians and the media keep lying..
The fact of the matter is that if UNSC embargoes worked in practice, there would be no need for an ATT, as it is would amount to nothing more than another layer of arms embargoes…
The Review Conference 2012 of the UN’s Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat, and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in all its aspects, is in full swing.
We all know what happens when restrictions make firearm acquisition more difficult. Criminals find it easy to arm themselves and the law-abiding find it more difficult to acquire protection.
With the knowledge that total civilian disarmament–and government monopoly of force–is the ultimate goal, it is imperative that we watch RevCon 2012 with extreme scrutiny and skepticism.
On Friday afternoon, July 27, 2012, Arms Trade Treaty talks collapsed at U.N. headquarters in New York City.