Both agents were overcome by their wounds, but alive. Peltier walked 200 yards to where the agents lay, executing them with shots to the head from his AR-15.
Joe Biden Commutes Sentence Of Leonard Peltier, the KILLER of 2 FBI Agents

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Both agents were overcome by their wounds, but alive. Peltier walked 200 yards to where the agents lay, executing them with shots to the head from his AR-15.
With a month remaining before history and the 2025 calendar sweep him out of office, President Joe Biden will leave the White House with his “legacy” in tatters; a testament to his career of bluster, dishonesty and gun control extremism.
With Hunter Biden’s court record and the pardon, the government cannot credibly evade a responsive production of documents with claims it has used in the past.
President Biden said almost no one is charged with lying on a 4473. Quick research shows that several hundred people each year are charged with lying on the ATF gun purchase form.
Controversy surrounds President Joe Biden’s decision to pardon his son, Hunter. Delve into the reactions from the firearms community and the implications for the future.
New revisions of 2022 crime data shows a shocking “80,029 more violent crimes than in 2021. There were an additional 1,699 murders, 7,780 rapes, 33,459 robberies, & 37,091 aggravated assaults.”
The Biden-Harris administration has announced a new executive order that may be more flash than substance, but it will generate some headlines with the national election just over one month away.
Rather than attacking gang violence head-on, the Biden-Harris administration cannot even say gang violence.
President Joe Biden moved swiftly to exploit the Apalachee High School shooting to push his same tired gun control agenda.
Earlier this month, the Taliban showed off Biden’s weaponry during a parade held at Bagram Airfield, which celebrated their third year in power.
President Biden, who claims his political opponent is a “threat to democracy,” is willing to burn down the very institutions that guarantee the survival of rule of law and the Republic itself.
Self-declared lame duck President Joe Biden has announced in a Washington Post Op-Ed, protected from view by a pay wall, his “long-awaited proposal for changes at the U.S. Supreme Court”.
Rather than addressing the root causes and the failures of DHS and the Secret Service, their primary conclusion is a call to ban America’s most popular semi-automatic rifle, the AR-15.
Biden’s questionable explanation that he is “passing the torch” seemed like a flimsy way of saying the torch was actually pulled from his grasp.
They have realized that if they can convince people that guns in America are a threat to public health, they will be able to enact gun control by executive fiat.
Kamala Harris has been much more circumspect about her anti-gun plans, and despite her maniacal cackle, could prove a more serious opponent to our Second Amendment rights than her former boss ever imagined possible.
Biden’s gun control policies have been shared by Harris since the 2020 campaign. She can’t deny it and she cannot escape it.
Is he personally going to go door-to-door and confiscate peoples’ firearms, ..some estimates, Americans own more than 22 million modern semi-auto rifles. That’s an awful lot of doors to be knocking on…
Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings is responsible for many of the most recent anti-gun laws, and she vigorously defends their constitutionality in court, even though she knows many are no longer constitutional.
The party that normally does its in-fighting behind closed doors is so desperate they’re bringing this battle into the public arena, and it promises to get ugly.
Her 266-word scold appears at Semafor, and seems too little, too late and too convenient. It looks all too much like—what’s that term, again?—“fake news.”
Influencers need to be able to prepare Trump to debate on the right to arms and to coach him on what the correct responses to questions should be.
If Biden wanted to restrict the 1st Amendment like he is restricting the 2nd Amendment, you can bet CNN & every other network would be lining up to demand answers…
Joe Biden flip-flops on violent crime rates – sometimes they’re going up, sometimes they’re going down – depending on who is in the audience.
How a foreign national can take the oath of office, required by Article. VI. of the Constitution, without any conflict of loyalty is left unaddressed.
Those looking for a near perfect comparison to Hunter Biden’s criminal gun charges need look no further than The United States of America v. Miracle Star Vaughn.
The Biden administration peddles in lies when they tell the American public the disproven claim that firearms are the leading cause of death among children…
President Joe Biden evidently cannot control himself to stop telling the whopper about a non-existent prohibition on cannon ownership.
While President Joe Biden spoke in front of rabid anti-gun advocates, his son, Hunter Biden, was convicted of three gun-related felonies.
A new Pew Research poll has reaffirmed what Second Amendment advocates have known all along: “By overwhelming margins, Joe Biden’s supporters prioritize gun control over gun rights.”