California Attorney General says “effective immediately, issuing authorities should no longer require proof of good cause for the issuance of a public-carry license.”
California Follows NJ & Retreats On “Good Cause” Requirement for Concealed Carry

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
California Attorney General says “effective immediately, issuing authorities should no longer require proof of good cause for the issuance of a public-carry license.”
The state has been operating illegally on the matter of permits to carry since the ’70s. The legislature & Governor Phil Murphy has codified this crime to pretend like it was law.
States with Draconian practices, you are on notice…there is a concerted effort, with many people and organizations that are, and will continue to fight illegal laws.
Gould is a Second Amendment challenge to licensing policies in Brookline and Boston which require applicants to demonstrate a ‘proper purpose’ for carrying a firearm.
While the Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit may have sustained the facial constitutionality of Maryland’s “good & substantial reason” for a carry permit, that ruling has not gone unchallenged.
Senator Sacco is the same corrupt Hudson County Democrat that is voting to make so-called justifiable need the law but gave his buddy a no-show security job and concealed carry permit…
The Maryland State Rifle & Pistol Association (MSRPA) announced that it has filed a lawsuit today challenging the State of Maryland’s restrictions on carrying handguns outside the home.
The Murphy Administration has filed an anticipated motion to dismiss Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Club’s federal court challenge to New Jersey’s unconstitutional carry laws.
Carol Bowne was brutally stabbed to death waiting for her never issued her NJ permission slip because of Justifiable Need and New Jersey’s unconstitutional gun laws.
The District of Columbia has declined to appeal its loss of a concealed carry case that struck down its “needs based” permit requirement…
The Washington DC government has decided not to appeal a reversal of their “may issue” law after the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against them..
Today we are talking about the epic ruling from the DC Circuit Court of Appeals tossing the “good reason” requirement for a carry permit in the trash.
Does the right of use of a handgun in one’s self-defense in one’s home extend to the carrying of a handgun in one’s self-defense?
The Court ruled D.C.’s restrictive “may issue” policy for the issuance of a CCW permit unconstitutional.
American Gun Owners won a significant court victory against “good reason” requirements for concealed carry when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia issued a permanent injunction.
The upshot of this decision is that law-abiding Californians in many areas of the state will be effectively denied the right to “bear” arms in public for self-defense..
When Wrenn v. DC makes it to SCOTUS for review, that’s when we’ll win. Hands down.
Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs has joined a friend of the court brief among several state firearms organizations in the next major right to carry case…
Freedom hater and Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg will push Democrats agenda right up until the final gavel falls in 2016.
The National Rifle Association applauds Gov. Chris Christie for leading New Jersey into the mainstream of constitutional thinking…
An Order which declares that the Second Amendment is the Supreme Law of New Jersey and the Constitution makes New Jersey a “Shall Issue” State by virtual of the language of the Second Amendment
By making New Jersey’s draconian and insane guns laws a central issue in local, State, and National news, Governor Christie fought back against the insane conditions New Jersey gun owners live under..
Gov. Christie issued conditional vetoes which return the bills back to the Legislature with suggested language, which if adopted, would drastically improve a pair of draconian gun laws.
Anti-gun legislators in New Jersey do not want you to be able to defend yourself, so it is important the legislature hear from gun owners right now…
Some have claimed that this Executive Action by Christie has made moot Purpura V. Christie. It does not, for several reasons.
This pandering does not fool us, we know that gun rights continue to be relegated to the same friends & family of law enforcement, the legislature, & judges…
Orange, PD Detective again caught in misconduct, refusing to accept concealed carry applications, senselessly delaying another citizen from applying for purchase permits, & boasting how he carries…
Late Monday evening, November 17 2105, the petition disappeared from Facebook, and the link to the web site that is hosting it was blocked from being shared…
Fact of the matter is that “justifiable need” in New Jersey is an imaginary thing that nobody can ever satisfy until they are dead…
If Christie wants to get some serious attention & punch up his support among conservatives, he now has yet another opportunity to advance gun rights right here in New Jersey…