On June 16 2015 the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals begins hearing an appeal of their own decision against the “good cause” requirement in California’s concealed carry process…
9th Circuit Court: Does the Second Amendment Apply Outside the Home?

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
On June 16 2015 the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals begins hearing an appeal of their own decision against the “good cause” requirement in California’s concealed carry process…
The “suitable person” law in 1923 gave in to the Ku Klux Klan’s political agenda. It is long overdue for New Hampshire to get rid of this disgrace…
This means the landmark opinion rendered in the Peruta case that found there is a right to carry under the Second Amendment which forbids sheriffs from requiring law-abiding adults to prove…
The Second Amendment Foundation confirmed today that it is financially backing the legal challenge to New Jersey carry law…
The Second Amendment Foundation filed a federal lawsuit challenging the District of Columbia’s highly restrictive concealed carry permit requirement…
Twebty two gun rights organizations and Second Amendment lawsuit plaintiffs argue that the Peruta decision should stand…
The AG’s latest request to the court comes after the court denied the AG’s and several gun ban advocacy groups’ requests to join the case once they learned Sheriff Gore had decided not to appeal…
We need to hold onto this great court victory so that these policies go into effect throughout California and the entire Ninth Circuit…
California’s Peruta case has taken a new turn further strengthening the case for amending Hawaii’s may issue or show need concealed carry statute…
After United States Supreme Court upheld New Jersey’s notorious carry license system and the “justifiable need” standard in the Federal Courts), the New Jersey Supreme Court did an about-face on a pen
Once again, the US Supreme Court has refused to hear an appeal in a case concerning the Second Amendment and bearing arms for self-defense outside the home…
The case of Drake v. Jerejian was expected to be heard in private conference by the nine Justices last Friday. Orders were issued today & the Drake case wasn’t among those cases denied or accepted by
While it is not unusual for an attorney general to defend state law, it is unfortunate to see such a blatant violation of fundamental rights be given legitimacy by bureaucrats…
Just when residents of San Diego thought they finally had won back the right to bear arms in the county, state politicians are using dirty tactics to block it…
The next major step in Second Amendment jurisprudence, is Supreme Court affirmation of the right of self-defense with a firearm outside the home, otherwise known as Right to Carry…
The Peruta decision makes clear that states and municipalities cannot deny their citizens the right to bear arms any more than they can deny their citizens the right to possess arms…
Comm2A’s letter calls to the court’s attention recent decisions, realted to concealed carry, from other courts that directly bear on the issues presented in Davis…
SAF extended its heartfelt gratitude to five groups, for their strong amicus curiae briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court, supporting SAF’s petition for review of the NJ carry challenge, Drake v. Jerejian…
Inalienable rights, like the right to bear arms, have been demoted to “privileges” by liberal politicians in CA and other places, privileges to be arbitrarily conferred, and arbitrarily withdrawn…
California takes a step towards “shall-issue” handgun carry licensing…
This is another nail in the coffin for States like New Jersey and Maryland that require “Justifiable Need” as a condition of getting CCW permits…
In an ongoing twitter tweet battle the Democratic Senate President show his hand stating “I will never support carrying a concealed weapon”…
The National Rifle Association announced today that it intends to file an amicus brief in a case that would help protect the rights of New Jersey’s law-abiding gun owners to carry handguns…
Without a permit to possess, the only way to legally possess a handgun in one’s home in New Jersey, is by exemption. Individuals, who rely on exemptions, are perpetually at risk of arrest & prosecution …
The recorded 911 call from the desperate and traumatized wife of NJ Attorney Dustin Friedland, who was murdered just before Christmas in the parking structure of the Short Hills Mall were released.
The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs & SAF asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the appeal in their challenge to New Jersey’s unconstitutional carry laws…
Picture a woman registering to vote only to find the State has a law requiring her to undergo a background check, pay a fee, show proficiency in civics & write a summary justifying her need to vote…
A denial of cert does not mean an affirmation of the ruling. This is a setback for 2nd amendment civil rights, but it is by no means the end…
The New Jersey Second Amendment Society filed a “friend of the Court” brief in a State Supreme Court appeal challenging New Jersey’s “justifiable need” requirement to obtain a Permit to Carry…
One way or the other, NJ’s carry laws will not stand, New Jerseyans have been denied their Constitutional right to protect themselves with a firearm outside the home, and we intend to change that…