This week I celebrate the 450th episode and answer the question I get as a professional speaker with every group. “How Do We Get More People of Color in the Gun Community?”
Explaining The Power of Pro Gun Podcasting ~ Black Man With A Gun Podcast

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
This week I celebrate the 450th episode and answer the question I get as a professional speaker with every group. “How Do We Get More People of Color in the Gun Community?” (2nd Amendment Organization) announced this week that Rev. Kenn Blanchard aka the Black Man With A Gun is now their Vice President of Outreach. The author of Black Man With A Gun: Reloaded, a favorite speaker for the gun rights community nationally. Blanchard is a US Marine veteran, and former intelligence analyst for the […]
Among Christian ministers, there is a strong appeal to be a defenseless victim. I disagree. I think pastors should protect their congregation.
The team of recorded their third show live radio show in the studios of WBGR to a live audience. It is doing great.
Rev. Kenn “Black Man With A Gun” Blanchard endorses the Accu-Tac SR 5 Bipod for his AR-15…
Our friend Otis McDonald has passed away. It is with a heavy heart that I write this post…
Now free to tell it all, Blanchard shares personal stories and struggles beginning with his family life, humorous stories as well as lessons learned as a an African American gun rights activist…
Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown & host Kenn Blanchard talk like old friends about his career, his book, & what’s next for the sage adventurer. Firearms trainer & author Massad Ayoob is also a guest this week…
After twenty years of speaking to untraditional audiences, sharing my perspective and insight as the Black Man With A Gun. I thought I’d share one of my best speaking tips with you…
Kenn Blanchard has been recently granted the registered trademark name of Black Man With A Gun..
Faith, Family, Freedom, And The Second Amendment – Your Invited to Attend
Kenn Blanchard, pastor of patriots, pistoleros and paladins, the producer of The Urban Shooter Podcast, gives some advice, encouragement, and support for American Gun Owners…
I wasn’t there that night on February 26, when Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida but I still weep about it. I grieve for both families and our nation.
I got a chance to read an Op-Ed from a minister in Virginia today that wrote that the repeal of the one gun a month rule for law-abiding Virginians was “immoral.”
The best thing about putzing about the gun and shooting industry, and I do mean putzing, is the variety of interesting people I get to meet.
He is still an unknown in his own community but you and I know differently. Celebrate it with me and give thanks for men like Otis McDonald.
Maybe it’s time to emphasize what makes us different, less the color of our skin and more the difference in our character.
Kenn Blanchard shares the last twenty years of his life as a activist known as the Black Man With A Gun in a new ebook, now available on Kindle called the Zen of Gun Ownership.
As we entered December, I faced a dilemma. Many of our JPFO members are not Jewish, and it is inappropriate for an Orthodox rabbi to send Christmas greetings…
This move is forward leaning. This is taking the fight to the enemy. It has a potential for blowback or it could just change the tide. I hope I cause a stir in the city of Chicago…
This week on the Black Man With A Gun Podcast I will share some links and names for firearms trainers Facebook friends have recommended…
First I want to wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Hope your travel is uneventful, and your family doesn’t get on your last nerve…
On September 10, 2011, Rev. Kenn Blanchard will be one of the featured speakers at a special event sponsored by the Chicago Firearms Association, the Second Amendment Sisters, Illinois Chapter, and the Illinois State Rifle Association…
Gun control is not new. It has been going on sense the invention of gun powder. It is and always has been about control. That is not American…
According to Ector, the time has arrived for city of Detroit to break ties with the racist roots of gun control…
Crazy people are always a wild card. You can’t predict what sets them off this time or will cause them to act violently…
Here in Maryland, I am still waiting for the first genuine criminal to pass a NICS check and get caught by the Maryland State Police check, can you say redundant…
Blanchard has been involved in almost every event in the last ten years involving a person of color and gun legislation in the United States…
A fun loving, zombie shooting, Harley riding, inspirational Christian pastor that encourages the American family on his podcast…
Hey listeners, this week on The Urban Shooter Podcast…