This is not the first disconnect between what the sheriff has claimed and subsequent evidence uncovered, as a series of exclusive AmmoLand reports have demonstrated.
If not for Jason’s additional surveillance camera inside the home… then the truth never would have come to light and the Defendants would have gotten away with attempted murder and convicted Jason on false criminal charges…
[I]t remains to be seen if a fair, objective, and transparent investigation can happen without all interests and potential conflicts being on the table
This could happen to any gun owner when any noisy, angry, or woke neighbor gives wrong information to law enforcement.
With a man shot in his home how is it that the sheriff & his chief deputy can claim ignorance of the shocking video until it was brought to attention by public outcry?
Is this the way we want the police to act? If they can do this to him, they can do it to you, maybe over a pistol brace or a false “red flag” report. And how do you think it would be “reported”?