For decades people have had their lives destroyed by this evil & unconstitutional law. Now the Biden DOJ wants SCOTUS to repeal a decision blocking it.
Lautenberg Amendment
What the Texas Attack Means for the Military
The brutal assault on a Baptist church in a small town in Texas is reverberating through the U.S. military, and the results are not going to be pretty…
More People Made ‘Prohibited’ by Supreme Court of the United States
The Supreme Court of the US came down with a decision in March that effectively expands the base of people prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms in this country…
Courts Issue Two Bad Rulings Effecting Gun Owners
The U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling basically saying that a conviction for any kind of battery, no matter how trivial, against a domestic partner is sufficient for a person to lose all firearms rights…
U.S. Supreme Court Gives Broad Reading to Federal Firearm Prohibition for ‘Domestic Violence’
The Court disagreed and found that as long as the statute required some degree of offensive physical contact for a violation to occur, a conviction under that statute would trigger the federal disability…
Utah 2A Supporter Finally Prevails in Legal Fight Over Protective Order
In the middle of a custody dispute, Aposhian was clearly at risk of being hit with a domestic violence restraining order. A classic ploy in divorce cases due to the ill conceived Lautenberg amendment…
Supreme Court To Hear A Lautenberg Amendment Case
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a Tennessee case involving the Lautenberg amendment that deprives individuals of second amendment rights if convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence…
Two Touchdowns for Second Amendment in Illinois
In two rulings announced on Thursday, the Illinois Supreme Court came down on the side of the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms…
California Supreme Court Confirms, Certain Misdemeanor Battery Convictions Do NOT Trigger Federal Gun Ban After All
The decision clarifies that thousands of Californians previously thought to be prohibited from possessing firearms are not prohibited after all…
Domestic Violence, Due Process and Gun-Rights
Sometimes the real victim is abused twice; once by their abuser and once by the law. We need the full due process of the legal system to protect the innocent victim of domestic abuse…
New Jersey’s Top Anti-Gun Senator, Frank Lautenberg Dead
Lautenberg, was an unabashed supporter of gun control and his signature piece of legislation the “Lautenberg Amendment” will live on…
RE: 2nd Amendment & Convictions for Misdemeanor “Harassment” Without Violence
The court seems to be saying that denying a person a gun based on a general “harassment” misdemeanor conviction, without showing that the conviction involved violence, violates the Second Amendment.
Senator Lautenberg’s Facebook Page Overrun By Second Amendment Supporters
It seems that the speed and reach of social media is biting the 87 year old anti gun Senator on, shall we say .. the rear…
Kent Sorenson’s Positive 2A Record Twisted by Anti-Gun Appel
State Representative named Kent Sorenson is now being attacked for being too supportive of gun rights by his opponent in a tough State Senate race…
Longtime Gun Control Politicians Pushing Gun Owner Blacklist Bills in Congress
They want to use secret No Fly List as a possible reason to deny your second amendment rights.
Proposed Amendments to the 1968 Gun Control Act Would Deny Your 2A Rights Based on Secret Government List
It would also give the Attorney General the authority to withhold those reasons your have no second amendment rights if he determines that such a disclosure would compromise national security…
Three Wisconsin Gun Bills Need Your Urgent Attention…TODAY
Baby Lautenberg domestic abuse gun ban being rammed through the state assembly today…
An End to the Lautenberg Amendment?
An End to the Lautenberg Amendment?
When Is A Pistol Not A Pistol?
When Is A Pistol Not A Pistol?