Oh, you didn’t hear? The SCOTUS decision was a profoundly divided “danger to democracy” by an overreaching, partisan Court.
We Have Reached An America Where ‘Truth’ Is No Longer True ~ VIDEO PROOF

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Oh, you didn’t hear? The SCOTUS decision was a profoundly divided “danger to democracy” by an overreaching, partisan Court.
A student at Charles University in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, killed about 14 people and injured about two dozen others in a planned and premeditated mass murder.
It was planned. It was executed. It was through the deliberate and calculated use of lies, fraud, hypocrisy, and coordinated rejection of truth, morality, rationality, and science.
Research shows publishing the names of mass murderers sparks a contagion effect. In the wake of each mass shooting, others occur shortly afterward due to the non-stop publicity given the killer.
Liberal politicians and commentators are currently inflamed, angry at the perpetrator of last week’s newspaper-office shooting in MD….
The truth is that these kinds of random murders of innocent Americans by Islamic terrorists will continue. They’re hardly even “news” any more!
Would Trump, after arguably running the most pro-gun campaign in history, actually cozy up to Manchin and entertain a background check proposal?
They’ve invented a new language. Like all new languages, it sometimes requires translation into plain English…
Long after it became clear that the only gunfire was from a heroic police officer, the media continued spouting endless, irrelevant anti-Second Amendment editorials…
I have the utmost confidence that President Trump isn’t going to sit back and allow a small cadre’ of loudmouth, defiant, socialists…
Biased media expressed horror that Trump had not visited minority communities, knowing full well if he did there would be riots lead by groups like ‘Black Lives Matter’.
We gun owners get facts shoved in our faces. We manipulate and control many factors in order to maximize accuracy of the facts, and then we find the truth within the facts – stark, unforgiving…..
Voters already know that Hillary Clinton lies. Morally corrupt members of the so-called Fourth Estate who shill for Clinton are doing everything they can to get her elected…
Compared to Trump, tea-party patriots were adored by the establishment the media that have it in the bag for liar Clinton…
Don’t let crooked liar, Hillary, get a pass or the media get the last word. F* the media.
Members of the production team either deliberately misrepresented their state of residence, or carefully omitted that fact to the gun seller.
Ms. Stephanie Soechtig excitedly states in a video interview with The Lip TV how she brazenly broke federal gun laws for Katie Couric’s anti gun hit piece Under the Gun..
On the obscure web page where Katie buries her apology. The problem is that the transcript stops only about one-quarter of the way into the response, clipping off the most relevant parts of the answer
Big media is feeling the indignity and insecurity of submitting their rights to the whims of an opaque & arbitrary bureaucratic screening process, we can only say, Welcome to the club…
The NRA family blog is running updated fairytales where the protagonists are armed. And the anti-gun left’s heads are collectively exploding….
Since 2000, the Entertainment Industries Council published a Firearm Depiction Tip Sheet to guide production staff in how to show firearms in the most undesirable ways.
Gun rights supporters, the next time you’re watching television or a film & encounter this sort of propaganda, remember, there was a reason your mom called it the idiot box.
A person has to wonder why any newspaper on life support & has to post people at shopping centers to gin up new subscribers would be willing to play a prank on what few readers they have left…
This edition updates the basic principles and makes them relevant to the news environment of 2016. Please distribute only within the Journalism community…
During the week we exposed a massive preference deal the Liberal Party had negotiated with the Greens for the 2018 Victorian State Election.
Where is the Coverage Of Heroes? Heroic citizens stopping someone from killing a large number of people don’t seem to be considered news worthy…
When we need respectable, truthful heroes, men and women of righteous character, we have seedy, sleazy liars, and a host of willing, corrupt, and equally sleazy, enablers…
It’s fascinating to watch the firestorm over Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s recent comments about rural Canadian gun owners…
With just one telephone call this year, Erik Wemple of the Washington Post was able to convince Media Matters to let be, responses to their attacks, after ignoring John Lott for seven years…
Media Matters has long conned the public that it is fighting misinformation on the internet, but lately the group seems to be creating its own mean spirited misinformation…