Brady’s newest lie ~ “eight children are tragically lost everyday due to firearm accidents in the home.”
Brady Gun Control Group Rolls-Out Brand New Lie On CNN News

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Brady’s newest lie ~ “eight children are tragically lost everyday due to firearm accidents in the home.”
While Everytown says California is the top state for so-called ‘gun safety policies,’ the bloody homicide body count tells a different story…
Gov. Gavin Newsome of CA. remarked on Governor Noem of ND’s support for the 2nd Amendment. His remarks illustrate how to lie with statistics.
“Every time Joe Biden repeats this canard,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “he reinforces the notion that he is a habitual, pathological liar.
Gunsense North Carolina State Senator propagates falsehood during floor debate over racist purchase permit repeal bill.
LESS THAN 1% of crime guns were purchased at gun shows while almost half of all guns used in crimes were purchased illegally from the underground/street black market.
When Democrats call for a ban on “assault weapons,” they mean ALL semi-automatic firearms. While they talk about banning “weapons of war,” they want your 10/22. What they say in public…
Students for Concealed Carry not only denied the accusation but also offered to make a $5,000 charitable donation in the name of any gun-control group that could corroborate the accusation.
The rhetoric was miss leading at best & flat-out lies at worse. I compiled a list of the most prominent lies told by the anti-gunners during the debate.
Hubris appears to have caught up with Under the Gun regarding an alleged deletion of interview material featuring Dr. John Lott, well-known author of More Guns, Less Crime.
The content of a article made clear, interest in firearms is booming & the firearms industry is a vibrant sector of the U.S. economy.
Gary Mauser, PhD’s, analysis of a “study” claiming that Australia’s 1996 gun confiscation law ended “fatal mass shootings” there. Turns out it didn’t…
These “reporters” fail to consider any explanation for survey trends other than the one that is sync with anti-gun activist groups’ propaganda.
If you had a gun to protect yourself, but the crook could just take it from you, you wouldn’t need a gun. You could just take the crook’s gun and use that.
It is extremely unlikely that the gun “malfunctioned,” “ misfired,” nor was defective in any way. It is virtually certain the gun functioned and as designed…
Gun Free UT’s statistics—which are never offered with any type of context—are at best misleading and at worst untrue.
They claim they won’t know the goods guys from the bad guys, & one sheriff said law enforcement would have to “draw down” on everyone carrying openly…
This is probably the worst myth about women, the idea that women shouldn’t carry a firearm is complete bull sh*t…
In a series of articles we will pull back the curtain on the good work and services provided by the National Rifle Association, the NRA…
The anti gun Brady Campaign has for just as long knowingly misinterpreted the ATF’s trace data…
Phil Kabler just called you a bunch of criminals. The “statehouse beat” reporter, he sure seems out of touch with reality…
Common sense is all one needs to know anti gun forces misuse data in their ongoing attempt to undermine the Second Amendment…
Washington Post gave Four Pinnochios to U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) for repeating a bogus Gun Control Claim that originated by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety group…
There is no gun show loophole, and, this bill certainly doesn’t address the loophole misconception, then what is this proposed legislation’s purpose???
This latest bit of theatrics is part of the group’s ongoing efforts to mislead the public & the legislature that licensed concealed carry would impact off-campus parties…
400 or 100 gunbanners, either number pales in comparison to the nearly 80,000 Americans who attended the NRA convention…
We’ve seen a lot of out-of-state anti-gun groups attack the Omnibus Gun Bill, & while that should be no surprise, we’re now seeing this bill under attack from all or nothing “pro-gun” Iowans…
Mainstream Newspapers, TV and radio news and talk shows, and internet sites across the country have been promoting a faulty “study” on so called “Gun Violence” as a significant news story..
Not surprisingly, the idea of changing page rank from popularity to “truthfulness,” based on a Google-made “knowledge vault,” has not gone down well…
VPC loves confusion, as they are trying to make the case that the Government needs to regulate guns to make them “safer,” as if there is currently no regulation…