Not all of us have the high capacity for swallowing disinformation and utter hogwash we find in the average Giffords supporter.
Giffords Propagandist Plays Word Games to Agitate for Magazine Ban

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Not all of us have the high capacity for swallowing disinformation and utter hogwash we find in the average Giffords supporter.
The suit accuses Wentz and Gators of violating the state’s Consumer Protection Act when it sold standard capacity magazines to two state “investigators” on two occasions.
The long-awaited oral arguments before the Washington State Supreme Court in the case of State of Washington v. Gator’s Custom Guns Inc., are scheduled to be heard Tuesday, Jan. 14 at 9 a.m. in Olympia.
NRA filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court of the State of Washington in a challenge to Washington’s prohibition on firearms magazines that hold over 10 rounds.
If the High Court decides to hear the case, it will have far-reaching implications for gun laws nationwide, particularly those involving so-called “assault weapon” magzine bans.
The United States Court of Appeals for The District of Columbia Circuit disregarded the text, history, and tradition of the Second Amendment and ruled that DC’s magazine ban is Constitutional.
The trial of multiple consolidated cases begins next week in the cases challenging Illinois’s unconstitutional ban on common semi-automatic firearms, magazines, and gun parts…
Of nearly 964 million ammo magazines from 1990 to 2021, about 717 million can hold more than ten rounds. That’s not just a majority—it a massive tidal wave!!
Professor Donohue is exposed as either a freedom-hating anti-gun hack or just ignorant and in no position to be providing declarations to the courts.
The judge aired the Ninth Circuit’s dirty laundry. The strong, ideological opposition to the Second Amendment has been clear in the Ninth Circuit from the beginning.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has stayed a Federal District Court Judge’s decision to issue a preliminary injunction against California’s magazine ban.
There is no American tradition of limiting ammunition capacity,” Judge Benitez wrote. “There have been, and will be, times where more than 10 rounds are needed to stop attackers.
Days after a judge ruled California’s magazine ban unconstitutional, a Judge in Washington State denied preliminary injunction against an identical ban.
Federal District Judge Roger T. Benitez has once again knocked down California’s magazine ban, concluding that the law is unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court’s decision in Bruen eliminates any plausible argument for a stay in this case… The people of California have endured for long enough.
In Delaware for example: “Every center-fire rifle that’s magazine fed will be banned,” along with every standard magazine capable of holding more than 17 rounds.
Washington State’s standard capacity magazine ban means no one in the state will be allowed to sell, buy, or transfer gun mags that hold more than 10 rounds.
Washington State gun owners & Second Amendment activists rose up in protest against a radical Senate bill (ESSB 5078) that seeks to ban normal ammunition magazines.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed the three-judge panel on the California magazine ban. The Ninth essentially challenged the Supreme Court to correct them.
ANJRPC has filed legal papers asking the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit to reconsider our appeal after the recent bad decision of a 3-judge panel which tossed the case on technical..
California AG Becerra has petitioned the Ninth Circuit to review the Duncan v. Becerra case about banning magazines, en banc.
Recounting the history of firearms in America, the court found these magazines are commonly possessed by millions of law abiding Americans for lawful purposes.
On 2 April, 2020, a 3 judge panel of the Ninth Circuit heard oral arguments in Duncan v. Becerra, an appeal of the District court finding the ban violated the Second Amendment.
It appears that several New Jersey laws were broken. The guest speaker possessed several “large-capacity” magazines, unserialized 80% AR15 lower receivers all in violation of current NJ gun laws.
Democrat Rep. Jerrold Nadler’s panel is slated to consider 3 gun-related bills, a ban on gun magazines, extreme risk protection orders and a prohibition for people convicted of hate crimes.
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has announced last week that he will convene a special session of the state legislature in order to push a package of radical gun control legislation.
The stay that found the California Magazine ban unconstitutional was put in place by the Honorable Rodger T. Benitez to protect Second Amendment supporters.
The New Jersey State Police responded to our FOIA request. They confirmed what our sources inside the New Jersey Police told us. The gun owners of New Jersey have surrendered no magazines.
Jewels of logic and reason from the California District Court that a ban on magazines is clearly unconstitutional.
Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto signed new bills that restrict the use of some semi-automatic such as the AR15, limit magazine size, and enacts a Red Flag Law.