1000 rounds cases of Magtech 9AS 9mm 115 grain Steel Casing Full Metal Jacket 9mm ammo for $0.21 each with FREE shipping or $215.00 a case.
Magtech 9AS 9mm 115gr Steel Casing FMJ Ammo 1000 Rounds $0.21 EA or $215.00 a Case

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
1000 rounds cases of Magtech 9AS 9mm 115 grain Steel Casing Full Metal Jacket 9mm ammo for $0.21 each with FREE shipping or $215.00 a case.
1000 rounds of Magtech First Defense tactical 5.56 Nato 55 Grain Full Metal Jacket ammunition for $525.00 a case or just $0.52 each a round. All with FREE shipping to your door.