..the casualty count could have been much higher,” “This heroic individual selflessly placed himself in harm’s way to stop the gunman and prevent further loss of life.”
The charge also alleges that Aldrich committed this attack because of the actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity…
A student at Charles University in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, killed about 14 people and injured about two dozen others in a planned and premeditated mass murder.
Who is the REAL 1st Responder? Take the quiz: then understand that even at their best, professional “first responders” are almost always going to arrive on the scene after you.
Gun control activists complained that Maine’s “yellow flag” law is harder to use than than more oppressive “red flag” laws…
At a press conference on July 6, 2022, Lake City Task Force disclosed the weapons in possession of the shooter in the Highland Park mass murder.
Gun prohibitionist politicians including Joe Biden were already exploiting the massacre and it’s victims —dancing in blood- to push an agenda of gun control.
February 14th is the third anniversary of the attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. It hurts, but is time we looked harder.
The controversy about mass public shootings in the United States compared to the rest of the world continues. It is about definitions, data sets, and media contagion.
The mass murderer at Odessa/Midland Texas may have used a homemade gun. It might have been sold to him illegally. Homemade guns have been legal for the existence of the United States.
We are inside a cluster of mass public murders. We should avoid the media induced emotion, and refrain from crippling the First Amendment or the Second Amendment.
“The media knows it, viewers know it, and crazed criminals waiting to act know it. It encourages them and they tell us so, but media continues the cycle of blood and headlines anyway.”
Big deal, a 19-year-old perpetrator kills three in California, followed by twenty-two killed in El Paso, TX and nine more in Dayton, OH. This number is a drop in the bucket…
Our deepest sympathies are with the families and victims of these tragedies, as well as the entire communities of El Paso and Dayton.
We pray for the victims and their families and forcefully denounce those who would criminally misuse firearms against our neighbors or loved ones.
Predictably, Democrats are reacting by calling for immediate confiscation of all privately-owned firearms. They always do.
Only 22% of all mass shooting used AR style rifles. As a Percentage of the population, most shooters are of middle eastern descent.
A violent Co-worker has a key to access secure areas of the building, where police have no access, and ends up murdering your spouse and eleven other people.
The mass murder suspect in the Virginia Beach killings had no criminal record. He used handguns, had been a member of the Virginia National Guard, and was black. It was a gun free zone.
In a statement, a day after the mosque attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand attorney general, David Parker, clarified that semiautomatic rifles will be banned.
Arizona State University that found that the media coverage of each mass killing is partially responsible for .30 of future mass killings. That is a chilling number and main stream media needs to stop
The rampage mass murders in the Crimea, the Tree of Life synagogue in Pennsylvania, and Thousand Oaks California form a media contagion cluster of rampage killings.
A paper presented to the American Psychological Association shows that irresponsible media coverage may double rampage murder “mass shootings” because rampage killers seek fame.
Research shows publishing the names of mass murderers sparks a contagion effect. In the wake of each mass shooting, others occur shortly afterward due to the non-stop publicity given the killer.
A Mental Health Warrant would be drafted by local law enforcement to investigate the potential for violence…
The claim by Sheriff Joe Lombardo ever since the shooting had been that Paddock acted on his own. So Crosby’s argument apparently took the presiding judge by surprise.
Mass murderers are driven by a certainty that once they commit their heinous crimes, the perpetrator’s name will be written in history books for all time.
Opponents of an armed population often claim that semi-automatic rifles are a new phenomena in the United States. That is false.
David Kenneth Smith is currently being held on a $1 million bond and has pleaded not guilty to making criminal threats.
I was scared for me, and I was scared for every one of them; I was scared for my own family that lived just less than a block away. I’m no hero; I am not.