As is typical in most of these shootings, when confront by a good guy with a gun the shooter dropped his weapon and fled, but not before he was shot..
Texas Church Shooter Stop By Good-Guy With Personal Gun ~ VIDEO

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
As is typical in most of these shootings, when confront by a good guy with a gun the shooter dropped his weapon and fled, but not before he was shot..
the revised time-line, authorities are saying Campos was shot and wounded in the leg at 9:59 p.m., as he approached the door of suite 135
How do rational people capable of critically thinking about an issue like the actions of a madman, deal with the illogical left who are incapable of the same?
It was a heroic private security guard who stopped the mass killing coming from the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas on Sunday night.
While Democrats and the mainstream media went off half-cocked in demanding the imposition of more gun controls on our law-abiding citizens…
With victims bodies still at the crime scene, Hillary Clinton calls for more gun control and uses this tragedy for her own selfish cause, to disarm all of America.
It may sound cold and detached, but that’s it in a nutshell – and I don’t owe anyone an explanation.
The zealousness to disarm Americans also speaks to a more fundamental political philosophy that underlies Hillary Clinton’s approach to politics…
Too dangerous to own? Are knives and trucks to be the next targets of anti-rights extremists?
The ambusher of Dallas police officers used a common SKS rifle, not an assault rifle or an “assault weapon”. The rifle was considered obsolete in 1956.
With heavy hearts, NRA members honor their heroism and offer our deepest condolences to all of their families.
We need to develop local militias and as it turns out, there is a perfect vehicle for this.
They conducted a search warrant on car & said they found a .22 Caliber rifle, multiple receipts, miscellaneous paperwork involving medical & mental health…
This is the first study to systematically look to see if that is true. And in fact there is no evidence that these laws reduce the risk of these attacks..
A compelling shot story of a mass shooting survivor who has gone from gun control activist to gun rights advocate. Download your free copy today.
In light of the Virginia TV shootings, Ben Swann takes a look at the link between 26 mass shooters and anti-depressant/mood altering drugs…
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state’s largest grass-roots gun rights group) is speaking out against calls for more gun control made by elected officials from Connecticut.”
Needed perspective on the “epidemic” of mass shootings. An unbiased observer might ask “Why such enormous attention on such a tiny fraction of deaths?
Matt Wuerker’s cartoons are reliably far left. He hit one out of the park with his The News Cycle cartoon on mass killings.
The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) sends our prayers and support to those impacted by the tragic events that took place at Umpqua Community College last Thursday.
After hearing his dad blame guns for his son’s murderous actions what else can one believe about how screwed up the mass murderer’s family life really was..
Hard evidence, not news commentary & conjecture, clearly shows that the only known way to actually stop mass murderers is to shoot them…
The ISRA hates to disappoint Mr. Obama but the nation’s lawful firearm owners won’t take it on the chin because a bigot decided to murder Christian people…
We are shocked and saddened by any action that is violent in nature, and our sincerest thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims..
The media knows that the more attention that they pay to mass killing perpetrators, the more incentive they create for more mass killings. The effect is known as the “copycat effect”.
Maybe we can stop the tide of violence that has been surged up by the desperate, murderous sycophants of our world…
Facts will not stop the enemies of freedom from blaming YOU for this horrible crime, & calling for more restrictions on your Second Amendment rights…
Preliminary information indicates 10 people were killed and more than 20 others injured in a shooting at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College..
Despite what they say the shooting was for real, but the conspiracy theorists do have one thing right: it IS being used to push for more gun control…
Virginia Citizens Defense League president, Phillip Van Cleave, as well as other VCDL members were interviewed by Vester Flanagan…