This past week, the ‘face mask while carrying’ topic has popped up on social media for a third time after making the rounds in early May and late June.
MCRGO: Carrying While Wearing a Mask in Michigan Not Illegal

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
This past week, the ‘face mask while carrying’ topic has popped up on social media for a third time after making the rounds in early May and late June.
Michigan FFLs received a letter from the ATF notifying them that a Michigan CPL will no longer be exempt from the NICS check when purchasing a firearm.
MCRGO’s Board of Directors has approved the following position regarding the National Reciprocity legislation in Congress.
MCRGO, the NRA, and other firearms law reform activists uniformly support these bills, there are several changes we would like to see.
All five bills passed overwhelmingly on Wednesday after MCRGO offered supportive testimony in the Senate Government Operations Committee on Tuesday.
MCRGO E’News is reviewing several pending bills in the Michigan Legislature that MCRGO anticipates may move in the weeks and months ahead.
The short answer is Michigan Governor Snyder who is reluctant to sign any major gun reform measures into law and is likely to veto the bill…
For the sixth year in a row, MCRGO will be at Outdoorama in Novi from February 23-26 and the Ultimate Sports Show in Grand Rapids from March 16 – 19.
Michigan Court of Appeals overturned a circuit court decision in Herman vs. Clio and upheld an unfavorable circuit court decision in MGO vs. Ann Arbor.
Pro-gun voters turned out in record numbers last Tuesday, both nationally and in Michigan, with the following results of the 2016 Presidential Election.
Our research revealed that your Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL) is recognized in Florida as a valid Concealed Weapons License (CWL)…..
Come join MCRGO for our West Michigan regional picnic in Grand Rapids!
Come join MCRGO for our northern Michigan regional picnic in downtown Escanaba! The picnic is a great opportunity for all gun owners and Second Amendment supporters in northern Michigan to…..
Come join MCRGO for our Southeast Michigan regional picnic in Downtown Detroit.
Today’s example is House Bill 4261. An awful bill with many sponsors, it was introduced early in this legislative session.
MCRGO will soon significantly expand its educational mission by becoming a full training organization, offering a superior program at a competitive cost to instructors and their students.
In the wake of the latest senseless tragedy, an old news article on Pistol Free Zones is being recirculated on the Internet and is causing some confusion..
The picnic is a great opportunity for all gun owners & 2A supporters in West Michigan to come together and enjoy good food, and to discuss current Second Amendment rights issues…
The fight against ignorance and irrational fear never ends…
Snyder has indicated that he will sign the firearms redefinition package and the brandishing bill in 2015 once it is sent to him in a consistent form…
Michigan Sate Senate Bill 789 passed the Michigan Legislature this past Friday and is on its way to Governor Snyder, who is expected to sign it into law…
The Michigan Coalition of Responsible of Responsible Gun Owners (MCRGO) named its 2014 Gun Advocate Award Winners last week…
I’m vacationing this winter. How do I transport my handgun and ammunition on a commercial airline or Amtrak rail???
The 2014 Second Amendment March will be held tomorrow, April 29 at the Michigan State Capitol from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm…
A procession of gun owners will take place beginning at 9;45 am from the intersection of Michigan and Pennsylvania Avenues and proceed to the Capitol lawn…
Legal gun owners in Michigan seemingly had the luck of the Irish last week. A result of months of hard work by MCRGO and its allies, five packages of firearms legislation passed the House of Representatives…
Though we were on the defensive for much of the year, we came away larger & stronger because of it and with many wins for the pro freedom side…
On the morning of October 9th at 9:30 a.m., three of Michigan’s largest firearms rights organizations collaborated and jointly staged a march upon the state’s Capitol Building in Lansing, Michigan
No matter what some people would say, being a victim isn’t noble or morally superior to being a capable survivor…
Occasionally we like to review Michigan’s version of the “Stand Your Ground” law. So, here we go.