Cholister saw that the charge of powder from the left gun had ignited. Without any concern for himself, he jumped at it and tried to put it in the ship’s immersion tank. However,,,,
During his months of defending Henderson Field, Bauer was credited with downing 11 Japanese aircraft but the American hero was declared killed in action.
Rogers ran through a hail of exploding shells to rally his dazed crewmen into firing their howitzers back at the much larger enemy. Despite being hit by an exploding round…
Boone’s journal said that he and other corpsmen suffered through three gas attacks and artillery barrages that caused their housing to shake and the ground to “pulsate.”
Army Staff Sgt. Alvin P. Carey began chucking grenades, hoping to get at least one inside the hideout. He had to stand up at one point…
Army 1st Lt. Axel H. Reed fought valiantly through the entire conflict, even after he lost an arm during one of the two battles…
Marine Sgt. Rodney M. Davis had planned to make a career out of the Corps before the war in Vietnam started. Unfortunately, he never came back…
Jones requested that those who were injured get to shore before him. His bravery and selflessness inspired his men, who refused to go unless he went, too.
Gen. Louis H. Wilson Jr. retired as the commandant of the Marine Corps in the late 1970s, but he made a name for himself long before that.
Smedley noticed about 100 enemy fighters carrying 122-mm rocket launchers and mortars toward a hill that was within range of the complex, they were outnumbered 15 to 1.
Burke kept moving, systematically quieting the hostile fire until his weapon malfunctioned. He then grabbed a rifle & some hand grenades off someone nearby & kept fighting…
According to a 2010 Asheville Citizen-Times article, Halyburton was a conscientious objector, meaning he would serve but would not bear arms.
Army 1st Lt. Raymond Beaudoin made it through years of battle during World War II, just to be cut down within reach of its end. But the actions he took to save his platoon will always be remembered.
Army Maj. Gen. Joshua Chamberlain’s family had served in wars dating back to the American Revolution, so he had a great appreciation for the military. When the Civil War broke out in 1861.
The plane’s communications system was destroyed, and the oxygen system throughout much of the plane had been knocked out, causing the plane’s waist, tail and radio gunners to lose consciousness.
Having massive amounts of artillery land all around you must be terrifying, but for Army 2nd Lt. Lee Hartell, it didn’t keep him from doing his job in Korea.
We’re honoring a famous Custer, but not THE Custer you’re thinking of. Today, we’re honoring his brother, Capt. Thomas Custer, who became the first double recipient of the Medal of Honor.
A former Army medic with the 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) who heroically fought his way up a mountain to render aid to his Special Forces teammates and their Afghan commando counterparts is rec
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein’s inspiring story is one of selfless service, courage, perseverance, & honor as he fought side by side with his fellow soldiers & sailors…
For most of the Civil War, Fort Fisher saw very little combat, but that changed in late 1864 when the Union wanted to capture the last port the Confederacy held on the Atlantic Ocean.
Carpenter and Lance Cpl. Nicholas Eufrazio were manning a rooftop security position on the base’s perimeter when Taliban insurgents attacked with grenades, one of which landed in the sandbagged area.
Some of our country’s greatest heroes fought in iconic battles, but the few who fought in more than one during different wars — well, they’ve likely reached legendary status.
Lindstrom knew his small section was alone and outnumbered five to one, but he pushed on regardless, quickly ordering the few remaining men into position to open fire.
“You followed him because he was a true leader – something you need in life-and-death situations. … He was totally fearless. He loved his Marines, and we loved him back.”
Pierce’s unit followed the enemy as they ran away. Once they all made it to a dirt road, however, Pierce discovered too late that there was a mine in the roadbed.
Heriot suffered several wounds to his arms from the charge, but he continued fighting. Later that day, he charged another machine gun nest.
Phillips was the 40th Marine to earn the Medal of Honor for actions in Korea. Along with that honor, his decorations include the Purple Heart and the Presidential Unit Citation with two Bronze Star me
In World War I, “no man’s land” marked the spot between Allied and enemy trenches where cruel and deadly battles often took place. It was called “no man’s land” for a reason…
When Garman saw the wounded soldiers were in extreme danger, he jumped into the river and towed the boat to safety as the Germans continued to fire.
As an infantryman in World War II, Army Pvt. Pedro Cano used a shoulder-fired rocket launcher to take out more than 19 enemy soldiers and several machine guns terrorizing American troops.