Mexico’s lawsuit is designed to effectively destroy gun rights by eliminating the American firearms ecosystem through frivolous lawfare. This must be stopped!
11,000 Rounds of 7.62×39 Seized at Mexican Border
A Mexican man was arrested trying to smuggle 11,100 rounds of 7.62×39 into the United States from Mexico.
Mayor’s Assassination Shows Mexican Government Can Only Operate with Consent of Cartels
Mexican prohibitionists ignoring the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to effect U.S. citizen disarmament are creatures that can only operate at the behest of cartel monsters who decapitate to terrorize.
SCOTUS Takes On Mexico’s Anti-Gun Agenda
The Supreme Court will determine whether foreign countries can sue American firearms companies for violence that happens outside the United States’s borders.
Mexico’s Presidential Election Void Of Policy Change, Lawsuits Infringe on 2nd Amendment
Rather than take responsibility, Mexico and anti-gun activists are trying to blame and bankrupt American companies that follow the law.
SAF Files Amicus Brief with SCOTUS in S&W Legal Fight Against Mexico
Allowing Mexico to prevail in suing firearm makers for the criminal acts of third parties defies logic and would embolden a new round of lawfare against one of Americas last manufacturing sectors.
Gun Industry Ask U.S. Supreme Court To Review Mexico’s B.S. $10 Billion Lawsuit
Mexico’s lawsuit also seeks to dictate how firearms are made and sold throughout the United States through a federal court injunction, in effect usurping the role of Congress and 50 state legislatures.
Mexican President’s Arrogance Grows Along with U.S. Courts’ Leniency
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador thinks he can do no wrong. After all, U.S. federal courts are turning over sovereignty to the Mexican head of state at the same time he’s issuing ultimatums to the United States and thumbing his nose to Texas.
Biden Admin. is Funding Illegal Firearm Trafficking That Mexico Is Suing Over
The Biden administration, ignores the role their misguided border policies play in funding violence and crime. Meanwhile, they allow Mexico to abuse U.S. courts to attack the gun industry.
Review of “The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico” by Bernal Diaz
The Diaz account is the best history book that I have read. It has all the advantage of a first person account and reads like a well written adventure.
Biden & Obama-appointed Judges Revive Mexico’s Attack on U.S. Gun Industry
This attack on the U.S. gun industry and gun owners represented a new low for domestic gun control advocates, but Obama & Biden don’t care…
Fact Check: Rep. Garcia’s Claim That 50% of Gun Stores Would Go Out Of Business Without Mexican Drug Cartels
In a Congressional hearing, Rep. Robert Garcia claimed that 50% of all gun stores would shut down if not for the Mexican drug cartels.
Two Texas Men Sentenced to Prison for Firearms Trafficking to Mexico
Two Texas men were sentenced to prison for their roles in firearms trafficking to Mexico.
Reports of Gun Smuggling to Mexico Recalls Fast and Furious Gunwalking Plot
But we’ve seen this all play out before, as noted in “Lies From Operation Fast and Furious ‘Gunwalking’ Resurrected in Mexican Lawsuit.”
ATF Employee Caught Gun Running to Mexico
A former ATF Investigator has been accused of running guns to Mexico, and the ATF has been accused of trying to cover it up.
Gun Lobby Files Amicus with Inter-American Court Of Human Rights
Mexico is attempting to use the Court to bolster its erroneous $10 billion lawsuit against U.S. manufacturers & undermine Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.
Mexican Fast and Furious Warrants Ignore Roles U.S. Government Played
We know part of the answer was so that ATF management could treat Gunwalker crimes as personnel policy violations.
Mexican Journalists are Asking ATF ‘Gunwalker’ Questions
We know the ATF orchestrated the scheme to allow guns to be “walked” into Mexico. They have no authority to arrange and oversee that into a foreign country.
Mexican Suit Threatens Second Amendment
Like big-city mayors from two decades ago, Mexico wants to sue gun manufacturers to pretend they are dealing with a serious crime problem.
Mexican Bandits Steal 7 Million Rounds of Ammunition
Over seven million rounds of sporting ammunition was reported to have been stolen in a daring robbery in Mexico.
U.S. Guns-to-Mexico Reports Suggests ‘Deja Vu All Over Again’
The American public is still being subjected to disinformation by a media that is either hopelessly incompetent, deliberately misleading, or both.
‘War Criminal’ Deported as U.S. ‘War on Guns’ Criminals Continue to Evade Justice
As ‘Fast And Furious’ ambush news unfolded At Justice Dept. “Top men” were being informed to get a handle on things, to find out what happened, and to make decisions on what to do.
Ammunition Smuggling to Mexico, 13 Thousand Rounds Caught at Border
Mexican authorities recently stopped a shipment of 13,000 cartridges being smuggled into Mexico. Smuggling ammunition is fairly common. The cartels can get ammunition from several sources.
Guns-to-Mexico Hit Piece Picks Up Where Pre-Fast and Furious Lies Left Off
Does anyone believe the cartels are dependent on small retail purchases of semi-autos with added costs of paying straw purchasers along with shipping costs and smuggling risks?
Continuing Chaos in Mexico, Now Nine American Women & Children Are Dead ~ VIDEO
Innocent Mexican citizens have been completely disarmed by a corrupt government, and are thus unable to defend themselves against Cartels who are enslaving them.
Comparing El Paso to Juárez Gives Insights into Effectiveness of ‘Gun Control’
Compare violence in El Paso to that of its conjoined twin across the border, Ciudad Juárez, with its “restrictive gun laws.”
U.S. Firearms Freedoms Again Being Blamed for Mexican Cartel Violence
This was exactly the rhetoric when Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking” got its start…
Border Militia a Reaction to Government Betrayal
The true guilty parties here are those who are making “violent revolution inevitable”…
Thinking Bigly on Gun Owners, the Border, & President Trump’s Art of the Deal
When it comes to trade, gun owners and President Trump should be thinking bigly about the US Mexico and Canada trade deal. Excessive regulation of personal firearms needs reform.
Gun-Banners Cherry-Pick ‘Developed Nations’ Data to Manipulate Public Opinion
Vox … refers to “developed nations” as the ultimate benchmark for demonstrating how barbaric America’s gun laws are when compared to the rest of the world.