“I’m spending a lot of money to try to replace Donald Trump.” “I guess they want to keep Donald Trump as president because if you want to get him out there, you should hope I spend even more.”
Michael Bloomberg
Bloomberg’s Coronavirus Ad Fails to Note His Part in Clearing the Way for It
This is all relevant because, citing economic reasons (translated: “cheap labor”), Bloomberg is a big believer in bringing in more foreign nationals…
Bloomberg Continues Stumbling Over Constitution And Rights ~ VIDEO
Michael Bloomberg’s disdain for the Constitution and the rights of free individuals disqualifies him from taking up the oath of office.
Milwaukee Brewery Killings Highlight How Suppressed Information Enables Infringement
Questions about what kind of causes and candidates a killer identified with are unquestionably relevant…
Billionaire 2nd Amendment Hater Bloomberg, Spends Whatever It Takes To Win Presidency
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, globalist elite, will spend whatever it takes to win the U.S. Presidency and, if successful, would then proceed with his goal to destroy the second amendment.
Clint Eastwood Joins Other ‘Hollywood Action Hero’ Frauds with Bloomberg Endorsement
Eastwood is a disappointment precisely because he appeared to be different in real life from his industry peers.
Bloomberg’ ‘Leveraged Buyout’ Of 2A Continues; Everytown Spends $8M In Texas
The Everytown Action Fund pledge to spend ‘at least’ $60 million to elect gun prohibitionists to public office at all levels should alarm, if not terrify, every American voter
Idaho’s Gun Owners Protest Michael Bloomberg in Boise
While we work on pushing pro-gun bills in the capital and stopping anti-gun bills that creep in, we want to tell you about our incredible protest in front of Michael Bloomberg’s office here in Idaho!
Virginia: Petty Bloomberg-bought Delegates Target NRA Firearms Training
Further revealing that their operative motive is political prejudice rather than public safety, the Michael Bloomberg-bought Virginia House of Delegates has escalated their direct attacks on law…
Super Bowl of Dishonesty: Michael Bloomberg Spends Big to Lie to America
The ad was perhaps more revealing than Bloomberg intended, showing him to be long on dishonesty and emotional manipulation and short on facts and substance.
Virginia: Bloomberg Protest at Nauticus this Friday! Be There!
Tell Bloomberg that you support the Second Amendment and you don’t want him or any of his paid-for cronies in the Virginia General Assembly to take away your rights.
Oregon Anti-Gun Lock Down Law Hearing Set for February 7th 2020
Bloomberg will, once again, be busing in his stooges to promote this attack on your rights. Showing up at the hearing to let the legislature know where we stand is critical.
A Political Platform That Demands Violating The Constitution is “Dereliction Of Oath”
Presidential candidates if they win the election must take the oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” If a candidate harbors an intent to ban or confiscate arms.
Bloomberg Superbowl Ad Counting on Fan Ignorance and Apathy about Rights
So basically, he’s committing “legal” campaign finance fraud if I’m reading this right.
Bloomberg’s Paid Moms Infecting Idaho’s Capitol, Using Their Children as Pawns
Their [paid] numbers continue to grow and if there is one thing we have learned, their emotional pleas are sometimes bought by Republican lawmakers who don’t know any better.
Bloomberg’s Dangerous Use of Prison Labor Another Example of ‘Grassroots’ Lie
In anti-gun politics, when a group funded by moneyed special interests tries to pass itself off as “grassroots,” it’s called “Astroturf.”
Bloomberg’s Got an Anti-Gun Court Packing Agenda
The idea that someone who is running for president could be this ignorant about constitutional rights and is promising to appoint justices who reflect this thinking should scare America.
Bloomberg’s Campaign Changes Politics Across the US
Even if Bloomberg says that he supports your cause, there is no promise of campaign contributions to make him keep his word.
NRA Virginia Mom is Telling Voters To ‘Watch Out’ For Bloomberg’s Tricks In 2020
NRA member Megan Boland, who says the tactics employed by anti-gun groups in Virginia should serve as a cautionary tale to pro-gun suburban women across the country.
Bloomberg Bought Virginia Legislators to Introduce Confiscatory Gun Ban
Any knowledgeable firearms owner will take a look at the ridiculous definition and realize that such ham-handed legislation must be born out of petty vindictiveness or complete ignorance.
Gun Control’s Godfather Is In the 2020 Race
Michael Bloomberg made it official. Gun control godfather, the financier of several anti-gun groups, is throwing his billions in to buy his way to the White House, forcing his radical anti-gun agenda.
Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action Email List Rental Appears to Violate Privacy Terms
Anybody see anything in there about information being turned over to a third party for political campaign purposes?
CCRKBA To Bloomberg: ‘Where’s Your Apology To 100 Million Gun Owners?’
Anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg, now considering a run for the presidency, has apologized for the “stop and frisk” program he ran while mayor of New York City, but…
Of Course Shannon Watts & Everytown are Anti-gun & Hate the Second Amendment
Watts’s claim that she and Everytown aren’t anti-gun or anti-Second Amendment is just the latest chapter in a long history of deceptive gun control messaging.
Bloomberg’s Gun Control Apparatus Lies to Virginia’s Gun Owners in Election Mailing
But no one should be surprised. Bloomberg and Everytown have a well-established history of bending or ignoring the truth, one even the legacy media cannot always ignore.
Moms Demand Action Caught Red-Handed Breaking Multiple NJ Gun Laws
It appears that several New Jersey laws were broken. The guest speaker possessed several “large-capacity” magazines, unserialized 80% AR15 lower receivers all in violation of current NJ gun laws.
Oregon: Bloombergs’ Lock Up Your Safety Re-introduced As Ballot Measure
The measure not only requires that your self-defense firearms be rendered useless but it also, (once again) holds you responsible for the criminal misuse of a firearm stolen from you.
Bloomberg’s Killjoys Target Fourth of July Fireworks
Never a group to tolerate the traditions of others, or to celebrate American freedom, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety made clear this week that Americans have been wrong…
‘Unique Tool’ for ‘Gun Suicides’ Offers False Hope, Invites Tragedy
This is really just another opportunity for the antis to further blame guns for social ills …
Bloomberg Gun-Ignorance Course Continues Bloomberging Rights Away
Jon Vernick, JD, MPH, told an audience at a recent Health Journalism conference that journalists shouldn’t contact NRA for comment on gun control studies because he thinks we aren’t qualified.