CBS and CNN and the rest of the DSM are deliberately allowing their viewers and readers to be lied to.
Michael Bloomberg
Bloomberg Funded Anti-Gun Brain Washing Course Now Online, Learn to Hate Freedom
Rational arguments in support of gun rights are excluded or denigrated while other research, facing the same alleged shortcomings, is held up as fact. Inane and widely rejected research is presented..
DANGER: Astroturf Organizations & Phony Facebook Accounts Target Your RKBA
What if I told you with-in 5 hours Bloomberg can have a team on the ground of any school shooting to organize protests and coordinate with CNN, the press arm of the gun confiscation movement.
Washington: Voter’s Rights Under Fire
Five years ago, Washington was one of the most “gun-friendly” states in the nation. Today they are vying for the title of most gun-restrictive.
Did You Accidentally Help Bloomberg Today?
Michael Bloomberg is one of the most dangerous threats to our Second Amendment rights, but he doesn’t just get help from Hollywood and the media.
Midterms 2018: Get Ready for the Battles to Come
Anti-gun and leftist billionaires played an outsized role in November’s elections. They and the rabid activists they agitated will be demanding a return on their investments.
Bloomberg ‘Reporter’s’ Affinity for Citizen Disarmament Seems Personal
Chances are her father having been an underworld killer with multiple hits under his belt had an influence.
Kevin Bacon Still Hamming it Up for Citizen Disarmament
They’re not who they pretend to be when they’re repeating lines written by others as directed by someone else…
Bloomberg Presidential Run? Maybe. Bloomberg Effort to Buy the Midterms? Definitely
According to a September 17th, 2018, report from the New York Times, the would-be oligarch is interested in seeking the Democratic nomination for president in 2020.
Levi Campaign Should Test Gun Owner Resolve for Taking Business Elsewhere
In other words, Levi Strauss intends to enable further Hogglike behavior…
‘Road to Change’ Repeating Stealth Tactic from Prior Bloomberg Bus Tour
…where is the consolidated itinerary of cities, locations, dates and times, and is withholding that information intentional?
Bloomberg’s ‘Epidemic Of Dishonesty’ includes his Own Anti-Gun Efforts
Nothing more accurately reflects an ‘alternate reality’ than the one enjoyed by people like Bloomberg, who live behind walls or gates, and have their own bodyguards.
Maine: Ballot Initiative Reform Legislation Returns to the House
A majority of the required petition signatures were collected from urban areas in Southern Maine, putting gun owners at a great disadvantage.
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep… 2018 At Your Own Peril
I wish I could tell you we can finally relax for the next four years, but I would be lying and this past year proved we gun owners do so at our own risk..
Chicago ‘Stop the Bleed’ Training an Admission of Failure to Stop the Violence
And the violence will continue. Just don’t fall for the ploy of calling it “gun violence”…
Repeal the Second Amendment ~ Say It Already!
When we can get the leaders of the phony “gun safety” or “gun violence prevention” movement to tell us what they honestly think, we will shut them up…
Everytown Critique a Sign of ‘Trouble in Paradise’
Despite ridiculing confiscation fears, she saw government seize guns from her ex (without full due process), and even that wasn’t enough.
Ballot Initiatives & Subverting Preemption, All to Ban Your Gun
Do you have reason to be concerned? Short answer? Damn right you do, especially if you live in a state that allows Ballot Initiatives…
State Investigator Concluded Bloomberg Mayor Ed Murray Sexually Abused Foster Son
Murray is the latest in a long list of Bloomberg mayors accused over the years of crimes that have resulted in numerous convictions.
Dana Loesch’s Critics Curiously Not Outraged by George Takei’s Clenched Fist
The feigned outrage doesn’t seem to extend to the fist representing One Pulse for America.
Gun Owner Rights Don’t Depend on How Tired Shannon Watts is of Joe Scarborough
Everyone has opinions. There’s no indication that the respondents have informed ones. And that’s what Watts is counting on.
Professionally Protected Kim Kardashian Can Afford to Support ‘Gun Control’
The elites who can afford armed security details aren’t affected by edicts imposed on commoners.
Montana Gun Owners Dodge Bullet with Gianforte’s Defeat of Quist
Can there really be such a thing as a “pro-gun Democrat”?
Bloomberg Author’s Group Continues Established Pattern of Manipulation & Deception
So it’s not so much an “advocacy group” issuing organizational advisories as it is individual sellout “artists” assuming a role of masked propagandists in their “art.”
Bloomberg Reemerges to Shower Cash on Antigun Causes
A Politico article published reports Bloomberg is poised to throw another $25 million infusion of cash to help elect anti-gun politicians.
Bloomberg Backing Ballot Initiatives In Florida That Destroy Your Gun Rights
WA, NV, CA, and ME have all been targeted by Bloomberg’s ballot initiatives – only ME was able to avert disaster..
Gun-Grabbers Purposely Vague when Exploiting Latest School Shooting
Note what it didn’t say? What additional laws they want.
Another Bloomberg Mayor against Guns Arrested (Again)
It’s revealing how many who can’t – or won’t – control themselves are so bent on controlling the rest of us…
Not So Pretty Little Liar Spreads Bloomberg’s Sexist, Due Process-Denying Gun Grab
Instead, legislate to ensure revenge-motivated accusations über alles, and your rights be damned…?
Multiple Anti-Gun Bills Filed in Texas for 2017
New Yorks’ Michael Bloomberg funded national gun control groups: Everytown for Gun Safety & Moms Demand Action are supporting the pre-filed bad bills.