Red Flag is inherently racist and sexist and denies due process protections to those who most lack the resources to defend themselves in court.
Red Flag Laws Looming on the Horizon for Michigan Gun Owners

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Red Flag is inherently racist and sexist and denies due process protections to those who most lack the resources to defend themselves in court.
The gist of the rule is that essentially every pistol brace, when attached to a firearm, creates a short-barreled rifle (SBR) which must be registered under the National Firearms Act (NFA).
The Michigan Supreme Court is now considering the University of Michigan’s ban on firearms in Wade v. University of Michigan.
Michigan FFLs received a letter from the ATF notifying them that a Michigan CPL will no longer be exempt from the NICS check when purchasing a firearm.
The legalization of marijuana in Michigan will not have any significant effect on the legal landscape for firearms. Federal law still prohibits users of marijuana from possessing firearms.
Elections have consequences. And next month’s election for America will prove to have a dramatic impact on legal gun owners. Will, you turn out or just let mob rule become the norm? Vote November 2018
Judge Kavanaugh’s dissent is an excellent example of faithful adherence to the Constitution and to Supreme Court precedent.
After Parkland, we were told that “the gun control movement has reached a tipping point ” and that “this time it’s different.” America proved the anti-gun haters and biased media wrong again.
Most district representation is effectively decided in the August primary election rather than the November general election. That is why it is so important you vote in the primary.
At issue in the cases is whether schools, as local units of government, are subject preemption by the State of Michigan preventing them from creating and enforcing their own firearms restrictions..
While it doesn’t permit teachers with CPLs to carry, it recognizes the value of having armed defenders in schools
As with last year, volunteers will receive a one year MCRGO membership renewal for each shift filled. Volunteers must be current members of MCRGO.
MCRGO’s Board of Directors has approved the following position regarding the National Reciprocity legislation in Congress.
MCRGO, the NRA, and other firearms law reform activists uniformly support these bills, there are several changes we would like to see.
All five bills passed overwhelmingly on Wednesday after MCRGO offered supportive testimony in the Senate Government Operations Committee on Tuesday.
MCRGO E’News is reviewing several pending bills in the Michigan Legislature that MCRGO anticipates may move in the weeks and months ahead.
The short answer is Michigan Governor Snyder who is reluctant to sign any major gun reform measures into law and is likely to veto the bill…
You’ve called your state representative about constitutional carry. You’ve e-mailed your state senator about allowing provisional CPLs for 18-20 year olds.
This past Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee approved constitutional concealed carry legislation on a party line vote of 6-4.
Just like we do not need to pay a poll tax to vote, we should not be forced to buy a license to bear arms.
The text for House Bill 4416, the constitutional concealed carry package, was introduced this past week in the Michigan House of Representatives.
Potential unjustified shootings in Michigan has led many people to ask when they may use a firearm in self defense.
Along with advocacy, perhaps the single best thing you can do to help advance our rights in Michigan is to train new CPL holders.
For the sixth year in a row, MCRGO will be at Outdoorama in Novi from February 23-26 and the Ultimate Sports Show in Grand Rapids from March 16 – 19.
To date, Michigan Coalition For Responsible Gun Owners has certified 89 instructors who have in turn certified nearly 1000 students in 6 months..
Michigan Court of Appeals overturned a circuit court decision in Herman vs. Clio and upheld an unfavorable circuit court decision in MGO vs. Ann Arbor.
Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, so it is a felony for a user of marijuana to possess a firearm or ammunition.
Pro-gun voters turned out in record numbers last Tuesday, both nationally and in Michigan, with the following results of the 2016 Presidential Election.
Our research revealed that your Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL) is recognized in Florida as a valid Concealed Weapons License (CWL)…..
Come join MCRGO for our West Michigan regional picnic in Grand Rapids!