It’s been argued by pro-gun-control organizations that the prevalence of civilian firearms, particularly the increased presence in public places due to concealed carry, increases violence.
Michigan Coalition For Responsible Gun Owners
Michigan Legislation Would Eliminate Gun Boards & Exempt CPLs from Gun Free Zones
The most important legislation for legal gun owners since the Castle Doctrine and shall-issue is currently under consideration by the Michigan Legislature.
Michigan Continues to Gun Up
According to the MSP report, as of February 3, 2012, there were 300,786 concealed pistol license holders in Michigan.
MCRGO Michigan Legislative Update
As I tell my law students: Do not try to apply common sense to gun law, you run the risk of a stroke.
Michigan’s Castle Doctrine & No-Retreat Legislation Review
Occasionally we like to review Michigan’s version of the Castle Doctrine and No-Retreat Laws.
Regarding Your Concealed Pistol License And Controlled Substances
MCL 28.425k covers alcohol. The limit is a BAC (Bodily Alcohol Content) of .02. This is essentially a zero-tolerance standard…
Sound Suppressors in Michigan – Silencers Part II
This week, we discuss the practical issues involved in a lawful purchase of a silencer…
Is It Sufficient Notice To Hand Over My CPL Card Stopped By Police
If I get pulled over by the police while I am lawfully carrying a concealed pistol, is it considered sufficient notice to hand over my Concealed Pistol License (CPL) with my Driver’s License?
The Legal Ramifications Of Traveling With My Pistol
I am a Michigan CPL holder planning vacation travel by car, and I am planning to bring my pistol along for safety. What are the legal ramifications of traveling with my pistol?
Proper Conduct for Concealed Carry Encounters with Michigan Police
Individual licensed to carry a concealed pistol who is stopped by a police officer while in possession of a pistol shall immediately disclose to the police officer that he or she is carrying…
No Guns Allowed Sign – Legal Requirements
Does the law say where it has to be placed at a business, such as on the door or adjacent window leading into the business…
Can a Michigan Concealed Pistol License Holder Carry More Than One Gun
Since the law does not prohibit carrying more than one concealed pistol, it is reasonable to interpret the statute as applying to each pistol that a CPL holder chooses to carry…
What Should I Do If I Ever Need To Use My Gun In Self-Defense
You should first be certain that the threat is removed before you lower your guard…
Michigan Coalition For Responsible Gun Owners Remembers Daniel M. Barch
We have lost a patriot, a fighter for our rights, a friend, and a shooter…
Planes, Trains and Guns
How do I transport my handgun and ammunition on a commercial airline or Amtrak rail…
Are Hollow-Point Bullets Illegal For Personal Defense
Are hollow-point bullets illegal for personal defense? What about laser sighting devices…
What Are My Responsibilities If A Gun Is Stolen From Me?
A person who owns a firearm shall, within 5 days after he or she knows his or her firearm is stolen, report the theft to a police agency having jurisdiction over that theft…
Michigan Self-Defense Legislature Allows More Powerful Pepper Spray
Pepper spray. Michigan law was recently changed (December 22, 2010) to allow citizens to carry “full-strength” 10% formulation pepper spray…
NJCSD & MCRGO File Amicus Brief in Landmark NJ Gun Rights Case
The case challenges New Jersey’s concealed carry permit statute to determine whether it is in compliance with a recent US Supreme Court decision in McDonald v. Chicago…
Repeal the Michigan Pistol Free Zones
I advocate for repeal of the statute imposing the pistol free zones because the law fails to accomplish its essential purpose…
To Bear or Not to Bear – Guns in Educational Institutions
The list of presenters includes attorneys, professors, best-selling authors, and nationally-known experts on both sides of the gun control debate…
Gun Safety Program For Michigan Children
In the past, it has been criticized by anti-gun groups as “pro-gun propaganda,” the program does not advocate gun ownership or use. In fact, the rules state that Eddie cannot appear anywhere guns are present…
When Exposure of a Concealed Pistol is Guilty of Open Carry
So, someone who has a Concealed Pistol License (CPL) may conceal a pistol and not be guilty of the crime of “CCW.”…
When is a Rifle a Pistol?
The magic numbers under federal law are minimum barrel lengths of 16 inches for a rifle and 18 inches for a shotgun…
Guns And Planes – How Do I Get Mine On One?
You may only transport firearms, ammunition and firearm parts in your checked baggage…
When Gun Law Doesn’t Mean What It Says
Reliance on opinions of law enforcement officers, legislators and others does not mean that a court will not interpret the law differently…
We Have No Constitutional Right To Police Protection
We Have No Constitutional Right To Police Protection Five years ago this month – Castle Rock v. Gonzales Michigan – -( On June 27, 2005 in the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, the Supreme Court found that Jessica Gonzales did not have a constitutional right to police protection even in the presence of a […]
Must Accidental Shootings Be Reported: MCRGO Frequently Asked Question
Is it true that accidental shootings must be reported to the state police?
Michigan House Committee Hearing On Ridiculous Pistol Purchase Permit System
Michigan House Committee Hearing On Ridiculous Pistol Purchase Permit System Michigan – -( On Tuesday of this week, the Michigan House of Representatives Committee on Tourism, Outdoor Recreation and Natural Resources will hold hearings on, among other measures, HB 5972 and 5973. The full text of these bills is available at The bills are […]
Gun Seizures & Michigan Gun Owner Frequently Asked Questions
I have read about the nightmare of gun seizures that occurred in New Orleans directly after Hurricane Katrina in 2005…