An effort by lawmakers in New York to require microstamping now has Remington Arms reportedly considering a move to another state…
Uncovered Docs Show Private Arms & Ammunition to Be Included in Arms Trade Treaty
We have mined documents that show that privately owned small arms and ammunition clearly looks to be included in the ATT agreement.
Annual Microstamping Threat in New York Warded Off Again
Despite being backed by New York City Mayor Bloomberg and gun-control groups like the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the bill failed again.
Gun Owners Victorious in New York
The New York Legislature wrapped up its 2012 regular legislative session with the microstamping mandate being blocked for the fifth consecutive year.
Bi-Partisan Legislature Opposes Anti-Gun Bill Ahead of Microstamping Vote
In Niagara County NY, county lawmakers see very little ambiguity in the words of the Second Amendment. And that’s a view that crosses party lines.
Debating Microstamping Legislation in New York State – VIDEO
Cam Edwards talks to Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, about microstamping.
NY Representative Schimel Continues to Shovel the Manure
Led by Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel, gun control fanatics continue to spread the manure around Micro Stamping Bill in hopes that something beautiful will grow.
The End of COBIS in New York!
Despite the hundreds of thousands of spent shells submitted, not one criminal was ever captured using the extensive and costly-to-maintain database, state officials concede.
New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Says Let Microstamping Rest in Peace
The law abiding have to give up their liberties for the public safety of all.
Gun Control Measures Disappearing in New York
New York gun owners finally have something to celebrate — a rare double victory in the Empire State.
Kimber Opposes New York Firearm Microstamping Legislation
If microstamping becomes law, it would increase manufacturing costs here in New York and force Kimber to reconsider expansion and it would likely compromise Kimber’s ability to maintain NY jobs.
Remington Launches Opposition to Firearms Microstamping in New York
In a letter sent to key New York legislators and Governor Cuomo, Remington at once dispelled misinformation that it microstamps firearms for the military – it does not.
NYSRPA To Sen. Peralta – Tell The Truth About Firearms Microstamping
Sen. Peralta’s statement that “microstamping may cost as little as $0.50 per gun” is equivalent to saying that pigs could fly if only they’d grow wings.
Microstamping Threat Back in New York
Passage of this bill could result in layoffs of factory workers throughout New York as manufacturers, already being heavily lobbied by tax and gun friendly states, consider moving out of New York.
Open Letter to Governor Cuomo Regarding New York Firearms Laws
Please stop attacking me and my fellow firearms owners we neither deserve your ire or your ad hominem attacks…
Firearms Microstamping Threat In Massachusetts
Politicians in Boston are more concerned about burdening law-abiding gun owners and retailers and forcing the closure of major Massachusetts manufacturers rather than focusing on economic problems facing the state…
UN Small Arms Treaty Calling for Micro Stamping Style Marking All Firearms & Ammo
While acknowledging a constitutional right, the criteria and record keeping requirements proposed in the treaty would necessitate the special marking of all firearms and more critically all ammunition…
Firearms Microstamping Defeated In New York Again
This marks the fourth straight year that microstamping has been defeated in the Empire State…
Niagara County Legislature Unanimously Opposes Microstamping Bill in NYS Legislature
NY Assembly leadership is talking about adding an expense to law-enforcement for a technology that’s not proven, and that can be scrubbed right out of a handgun. I just think it’s another attack on our Second Amendment rights…
Dumb Gun Laws In New York
The term “gun control” can be misleading because it isn’t about controlling guns. It is about controlling people
Microstamping Bill Introduced In Massachusetts
Cam Edwards talks to Jim Wallace, from the Gun Owners Action League (GOAL) about another ill-conceived Firearms Micro-stamping Bill introduced in Massachusetts…
NRA & CRPA Foundation Submit Opposition To Proposed Microstamping Regulations
If adopted, the new regulations would requires that after January 1, 2010, all semiautomatic pistols for sale by firearm retailers be “designed and equipped” with microstamping technology…
Behind the Scenes Obama Continues Pushing UN Gun Control Treaty
UN representatives met at the University of Massachusetts in Boston to further discuss their plans for global gun control…
Firearms Microstamping Study Bill Introduced in U.S. House
NSSF supports this bipartisan legislation as a means of ensuring adequate research of microstamping is completed, and the concept is proven to work…
Microstamping Remains A Threat In New York
New York City politicians are trying to bully state senators into changing their votes and supporting this gun ban — and make no mistake, microstamping is a gun ban…
Microstamping A Grim Fairy Tale
What Freedom hating Bloomberg isn’t telling you is that S6005 would make legal guns suddenly illegal. Does this make “Common Sense”…
Micro-Stamping Bill Dealt a Blow in the Empire State
As they came to the end of the roll call, leaders asked for the bill to be “laid aside,” which means that it is still a threat…
Firearms Microstamping Bill Down But Not Defeated
Word is Firearms Microstamping Bill may be back on Monday June 21, 2010…
New York Microstamping Bill is a Back Door Gun Ban
Passage of this bill could result in hundreds of layoffs for New York workers as firearm factories consider moving out of the state…
Firearms Microstamping Bill Will Halt Sales of Semi Auto Pistols
Everyone knows microstamping will most likely come to a vote in the NYS Senate prior to adjournment this month….