A Scott City, Missouri, homeowner took care of business on Saturday, August 24, 2024. when a man kicked in his back door in the middle of the afternoon…
MO Homeowner Defending Property Leaves Intruder Dead in Justified Shooting Incident

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
A Scott City, Missouri, homeowner took care of business on Saturday, August 24, 2024. when a man kicked in his back door in the middle of the afternoon…
Gray, a convicted felon who federal gun law claims prevents him from having a gun, went to the victim’s home to confront a female resident about a trailer.
“If we lose, the ballgame is over,” said Glendale Shooting Club treasurer Jim Hopkins. “It would be as bad as losing our preemption statute, which protects every pro-gun law in the state. It’s up to the courts now.”
House Bill 1709 has been introduced in the Missouri legislature. The bill reforms current law to incrementally restore the right to bear arms outside the home.
Federal Judge Brian C. Wimes has ruled the Missouri Second Amendment Protection Act (SAPA) is unconstitutional, Violates the Supremacy Clause. But how?
Second Amendment supporters need to make the right choice in Missouri.
Missouri Bill 1642 has passed the House, and a Senate Committee. It removes gun free zones from public transportation and churches. There are several other reforms in the bill.
The Biden administration has initiated a lawsuit, in federal court, to invalidate the Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act.
Opponents of a strong right to arms filed a lawsuit in which they claimed SAPA was unconstitutional because it limited the power of the government!?
Kansas City Police were given a platform on NPR to blame increasing crime rates on the restoration of Second Amendment rights.
Turner represented that she was the actual buyer of one or more firearms, when, in fact, she was acquiring the firearms on behalf of Freddie Tilmon.
Missouri Governor Parson has pardoned Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who were politically prosecuted for defending their home against an angry crowd of protestors.
The Missouri legislature has passed a Second Amendment protection bill. The bill prevents state resources from being used to enforce federal gun laws which conflict with Missouri laws.
Mark and Patricia McCloskey beat the rap by taking a plea deal to misdemeanor threatening charges, paying a fine, and forfeiting their two firearms.
The Missouri legislature is considering reforming the law forbidding most weapons of public transportation. HB 52 would only apply to people with concealed carry permits.
The St. Louis prosecutor, Kim Gardner, has been removed from the McCloskey self-defense case by a Missouri judge for conflict of interest.
Evidence of prosecutorial misconduct has surfaced in the case of the McCloskeys defending their home. Video shows the gate was closed, and opened by the mob leadership.
The McCloskey couple in St. Louis Missouri, have been charged with unlawful use of weapons. The weapons may not have been operable. The Governor says he will pardon, if necessary.
Radical prosecutor, Kim Gardner of St. Louis has pushed for and obtained a warrant to seize the firearms of the St. Louis couple who defended their home. It is a political prosecution.
An attorney in Missouri has filed a lawsuit against Academy Sports, saying a store clerk should have reasonably known Luis Perez was prohibited from purchasing ammunition.
The Mayor of St. Louis, Missouri, and the City Coucil, are attempting to ban the exercise of Second Amendment rights in City Parks, by defining them as child-care facilities.
A Missouri, man who illegally purchased 15 firearms pleaded guilty in federal court today to illegally possessing firearms and to making a false statement on a federal form.
A Missouri Democrat judge has found that “safety” overrides the Missouri Constitution, never mind that guns and the key to maintaining public safety.
The Green County Prosecutor in Missouri refused to charge Dmitriy Andreychenco with terrorist threat in the first degree. The charge was made in the 2nd degree. Dmitriy was open carrying in a Walmart
The Missouri Legislature is moving closer to passing Campus Carry. The legislation would remove “institutes of higher learning” from places prohibited to people carrying concealed.
Legislatively, the bill would protect Second Amendment rights by refusing to allow any state officers to enforce any Federal laws considered infringements on Second Amendment rights.
On 4 June 2018, a hero with a gun saved a police officer. In December of 2018, the Missouri Police Chiefs Association awarded Jerry Pendergrass the President’s Citizen Award.
With the 2019 Missouri legislative session to start in a few weeks, legislators have been busy pre-filing both pro and mostly anti-gun legislation.
Missouri is one of nine states where the government generally prohibits people from carrying firearms in church.
“I believe that every year, public service commendations should be offered to the ten gun owners who have best defended themselves in their homes” ~ Courtland Sykes.