A course entitled “Gun Safety for Personal Protection and Concealed Weapon Permits” will be hosted in Missoula by the Montana Shooting Sports Association and taught by Gary Marbut on Sunday…
Montana Shooting Sports Association MSSA
Montana Gun Owners Endorse Greg Gianforte For Governor
The Montana Shooting Sports Association today announced its endorsement of Greg Gianforte, candidate for Governor of Montana.
A Guide to Private Firearm Sales Moral & Legal Responsibilities
As a responsible, law-abiding gun owner, we do not want to transfer a firearm (or even a car) to another person who would use it to injure an innocent person…
Montana Ammunition Availability Act
MSSA’s flagship bill last session, the “Montana Ammunition Availability Act,” was SB 122 carried by Senator Matt Rosendale, passed by the Legislature, and signed into law by the Governor.
Self Defense and the Stiffler Trial
Several of you have asked me about my involvement in the recent State v. Stiffler trial in Helena. My friend Chris Rosenau has been kind enough to prepare an explanation of that for you.
Montana Shooting Sports Association Annual Meeting, March 5th 2016, Helena
The primary business of this Annual Meeting will be to elect officers and Directors, and to determine MSSA’s legislative agenda…
Montana Shooting Sports Association’s Gary Marbut Out of Surgery
Reports throughout the 5-hour open-heart surgery, including the wrap-up report, all indicated that everything went smoothly and according to plan.
2015 Montana Senate & House Politician’s Gun Vote Scores
I have finally posted the scores earned by members of the Montana Senate and House for votes cast on firearm-related bills in the 2015 legislative session…
Great News – Future Plans for Montana Shooting Sports Association
Great news. SB 122 has become law because Governor Bullock has taken no action on SB 122, MSSA’s flagship for the 2015 session bill to encourage the manufacture of smokeless powder, small arms……..
Montana Governor Bullock Vetos Suppressor Bill SB 295
But signs another. The bottom line is that Montana will now allow hunting with ATF-registered suppressors. HB 250 is effective as of today…
Montana Ammunition Availability Act Passes, Tell Governor Bullock to Sign It
Montana Shooting Sports Association’s flagship bill to encourage the manufacture of ammunition components in Montana, has cleared the Senate with a final vote of 31-19…
Movement on Two IMPORTANT Montana Pro Gun Bills
One bill could have more long term consequence for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Montana than any other bill this session…
Montana Shooting Sports Association Legislative Update, Bills Activity Yesterday
I’ve had two reports that operatives for billionaire NYC ex-Mayor Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Danger were calling Montanans to vote anti gun…
Montana’s Anti-Gun Northwestern Energy Co. Lobby’s Against Gun Owners Justice Act
Sorry Northwestern, your recent statement reeks of attempted coverup of a deliberate anti-RKBA effort by Northwestern…
Loss of Smokeless Powder – The Greatest Threat to the Right to Keep & Bear Arms
Without ammunition, our firearms are just awkward clubs, and our cherished right to Keep and Bear Arms is worthless – literally worth nothing.
Pro Gun Montanans Offer A New Referendum – ‘Gun Owners Access To Justice Act’
HB 598 will require that any infringements on the fundamental right to keep and bear arms must pass the highest level of judicial scrutiny to survive…
Campus Carry is About Civil Rights, Unelected Bureaucrats
It is predictable that whenever Montana officials seek to justify government restrictions of rights that we have reserved to ourselves specifically from government interference, the officials first…
Montana Mid-Session Legislative Summary
We started the session with a LOT of bills, the most Montana Shooting Sports Association has ever pushed in one session. That’s good and bad…
Montana Legislative Update: Schools And Suppressors Up, Game Wardens Down
On a good note suppressors for hunting, passed the Senate on Second Reading by a mostly party line vote…
Montana Schedules Two of MSSA’s Pro Gun Bills for Public Hearings
Also, a bad bill has been introduced, HB 539, to create the crime of careless firearm handling in a public place and needs to be apposed…
Montana Shooting Sports Association Legislative Update for February 9-13th 2015
I’ve attended and testified at public hearings for six bills before legislative committees in Helena, MT over the last three days. Here’s a brief report on those bills with suggested follow up by you.
HB 203 – Prevent Local Enforcement of New Fed Gun Control
MSSA’s bill to prevent Montana state and local officials from enforcing or helping to enforce any new federal gun control laws, HB 203, has been scheduled for a public hearing.
More Pro Gun Bills Introduced in Montana’s 2015 Legislative Session
One of MSSA’s bills will prevent state and local government employees from enforcing any new federal gun laws, orders or regulations…
Montana’s Once-Every-Two-Years Legislative Session Began Monday
Montana Shooting Sports Association will push a heavy load of really good bills this session, but we will need your help…
Legislative Goals for Montana Shooting Sports Association for 2015
The Montana Shooting Sports Association plans to introduce a number of reforms of gun and weapon laws in 2015…
HHS Leaks Your Health Records And Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Here is a perfect example of why it is important that you not let information about your guns creep into your medical records…
Get Ready For Montana’s 2015 Legislative Session
Montana’s once-every-two-years legislative session will begin on Monday, January 5th 2015. You need to be prepared to keep up and weigh in…
Montana Shooting Sports Association & NRA 2015 Legislative Reception
Montana Shooting Sports Association/NRA Legislative Reception. Montana Shooting Sports Association & the NRA will hold a reception for legislators at the Red Lion Colonial Inn in Helena, MT…
Elect Gary Marbut for Montana House District 94
People keep asking me, “How’s the campaign going?” I do know a few things about how the planets are lining up, although not enough to be counting any chickens yet. So i’ll tell you what I do know…
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership & SAF a Positive Merger
If you see criticism about the proposed association between SAF and JPFO, I urge you to see it as I do, an honorable effort to keep JPFO afloat and doing what it does so well, cutting edge activism…