The fight over government surveillance of gun owners is far from over, and the latest revelations about the ATF’s involvement only add fuel to the fire. How far will federal agencies go to track law-abiding Americans?
Congressional Republicans Michael Cloud and Jim Risch are introducing a bill to ban a gun registry base at the federal level.
Communists (consulting their “List”) promptly went to specific addresses, broke into the homes of people on “The List,” and then systematically murdered them and their entire families.
Police admit they never obtained search warrants to test the firearms. The data was then sent to the Bureau of ATF, which used it to create an illegal gun registry…
4 million law-abiding folks are about to pay a steep price & face having their names entered into a national gun registration database. Thanks, ATF.
There is no reason for law-abiding American gun owners to be subjected to excessive scrutiny on the firearms they own by the federal government. My bill would dismantle ATF’s record-keeping.
Congressman Cloud’s No REGISTRY Rights Act would require ATF to delete all existing firearm transaction records dismantling their illegal database.
The far left New Zealand Government is pushing for extreme gun control and gun registration. The National Party is opposed. An election looms in 2020.
The far left New Zealand government is attempting to pass a highly restrictive national gun registry. The PM claims New Zealand citizens have no right to arms. History shows they had such a right.
The holy grail of those who wish us disarmed is gun registration. Once your guns are required to be registered, they are, in effect, already confiscated.
The New Zealand ban on semi-automatic rifles is encountering problems with resistance. New Zealand eliminated long gun registration because it was ineffective and expensive, in 1983.
The title tells you everything you need to know it’s known as the Firearms Registration Act. This governmental cash grab will cost $10 per-gun and gun owners will have to go through another background
4,000 guns taken from people who are not allowed to have them, people like the Texas shooter, is a good thing, right? Or is NICS now a national gun registry?
South African Gunowners Association has been advised that South African Police Service in the Western Cape will be conducting an operation aimed at gunowners…
Hawaii has become the nation’s leader in creating a national registry of gun owners. Hawaii residents who own firearms will now be reported to a federal criminal record database called…..
It seems appropriate that the people of North Carolina send Mayor Alexander a friendly note to let her know what we think of gun registration schemes…
Obama’s proposes an expansion of background checks and exponentially increasing stigma regarding mental health treatment, while claiming to reduce that same stigma…
If any of the Democrat Presidential candidates are nominated, they will all push for what O’Malley has just enunciated…
This module reveals Coordinating Action on Small Arms profound misunderstanding of the natural rights of citizens and their relationship to government…
Like a vampire who can’t stop sucking the blood of horrific tragedies, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid is once again pushing to suck political gain from the pain of others…
The gun-owner registration bill “92% of the public supports” leaves out guns in hospitals and any… “health insurance entity.” ObamaCare is a health-insurance entity…
Holder didn’t think anyone would read his written budget submission, because he all-but-admitted that Obama intends to implement a Universal Gun Registry by executive fiat…
Canada’s National Firearms Association now has evidence and testimony from three cases where Canadian police forces have used information from the long-gun registry that was supposed to be destroyed…
If it makes sense to license gun owners and register guns, then it would make sense to license writers and register printing presses…
It comes as no surprise that the provincial government is trying to get out in front of the pending federal court case to secure Quebec’s portion of the useless national firearms registry database…
The most dangerous bill this session is not a magazine ban, or an “assault weapon” ban. It’s universal registration, masquerading as “universal background checks.”…
Republicans like Ryan who try to appease the anti-gunners miss a fundamental point: The anti-gunners won’t be satisfied until they’ve banned ALL firearms from civilian ownership…
This was very comforting to hear. They just concerned for us and want to calm gun owners’ fears. Biden wouldn’t be trying to lull gun owners into submission, would he???
Unlike the healthcare debate though, the proposals for new gun control would make instant felons out of hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of otherwise law-abiding citizens…
Turncoat West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin is about to stick a big knife in the back of American gun owners and to make matters worse, he’s lying about what he’s doing…