Coupled with the Pew poll and last week’s NBC News revelation, the gun control movement just might be swimming against a stronger current.
NBC Gun Poll Raised Eyebrows, Earlier Pew Survey Provided Perspective
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America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Coupled with the Pew poll and last week’s NBC News revelation, the gun control movement just might be swimming against a stronger current.
“You cannot violate federal gun laws to complain about gun laws and promote a gun control agenda, even as a working journalist,”!!
An NBC News article is an attempt to distort facts, sensationalize crime statistics and turn an innovative company into a villain.
Did NBC News & the Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s Office Commit Multiple Felonies in a recent TV hit piece on so-called “ghost guns”?
NBC News researcher, Joshua Eaton, declined to identify who at NBC assigned him to do the hit-job on YouTube Video creators that led to the loss of income, censorship & account bans.
NBC News has confirmed that they called the Secret Service on Palmetto State Armory for selling an AR-15 lower receiver engraved with “Let’s Go Brandon.”
To all of you gun-owning “Trump enablers” who are reading this, here’s a question you’ll need to consider: Do you intend to “go gentle into that good night”?
These people think they can attack and subvert our rights at will, but when it’s their precious hindquarters on the line, the first thing they think of is protecting themselves with guns.
By NOT identifying the mutant, we are dependent on what “officials” and their approved media megaphones tell us…
Do they get a lot of whiny harridans in pink pussy hats registering anti-gun indignation at monster truck events these days?
While obviously disappointed in the outcome, the Virginia Citizens Defense League Board of directors considers the lawsuit to have been successful because it put the media’s deceptive editing practice
Dozens of well armed leftists with evil black rifles marched on the Arizona State Capitol, MSNBC freaked out over one Obama protester with a rifle, where is the coverage now?
VCDL sued Katie Couric and other responsible parties for the film “Under the Gun” for defamation in Federal District Court in Richmond, Virginia!
The Katie Couric ‘Under the Gun’ editing scandal continues to grow with many twists & turns. This useful time line will help us all keep track as she tries to weasel out of this mess of lies.
For Soechtig to be buying guns in the manner described takes either remarkable audacity or monumental stupidity. A full DOJ investigation, should begin promptly.
We were outraged over rampant anti-gun media bias so we started a petition, here are the stunning results..
Ms. Stephanie Soechtig excitedly states in a video interview with The Lip TV how she brazenly broke federal gun laws for Katie Couric’s anti gun hit piece Under the Gun..
On the obscure web page where Katie buries her apology. The problem is that the transcript stops only about one-quarter of the way into the response, clipping off the most relevant parts of the answer
After Katie Couric edited a pro gun group’s comments to fit her new anti gun hit piece, we now find out Couric also left out 4 hours of interviews with gun research expert John Lott.
Unbelievable. And extremely unprofessional. In essence Katie lied about the Virginia Citizens Defense League members’ answers.
As a law enforcement official, D.C. Attorney General Irvin Nathan was willing to put politics above equal treatment under the law…
MSNBC’s and States United’s outlandish comments are simply one more example showing that gun control supporters will use any human tragedy to advance their anti-gun and anti-NRA agenda…
In 2013, two men engaged in a discussion about how to increase the visibility of Sporting Clays. This is the first-hand account of their story…
D.C. officials have demonstrated a curious willingness to look the other way on technical violations of these rules when they are committed for the “greater good” of promoting gun control..
In an effort to combat anti-gun biases in the mainstream media, Cam Edwards from NRA News breaks down and rebuts media misinformation, this time he takes on Andrea Mitchell’s lie that the NRA is Toxic…
Gun Owners of America has uploaded a new video of MSNBC Host Andrea Mitchell debating with Gun Owners of America’ Erich Pratt…
Gregory held up a STANDARD CAPACITY 30 round magazine who’s mere possession of the magazine at any point within the DC metro area is a violation of District of Columbia Gun Law
NBC called for all firearms to be subject to the oversight of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, something straight out of the Brady Campaign’s playbook for the last 30-odd years.