On January 1, 2025, New Hampshire employers must respect employees’ Second Amendment rights in locked vehicles in parking lots.
New Hampshire Protects Second Amendment Rights of Employees

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
On January 1, 2025, New Hampshire employers must respect employees’ Second Amendment rights in locked vehicles in parking lots.
With New Hampshire, there are now 17 states with laws that protect the Second Amendment financial privacy of their citizens.
The NH Arms Collectors Club held its 1st public gun show in 2 years. Thanks to an unknown Anti-Gun Activist it was a stunning success!
The New Hampshire senate passed HB 1636 to remove the ban on the carry of loaded pistols & revolvers on ATVs & Snowmobiles. The bill is expected to go to Governor Sununu shortly.
The New Hampshire House has passed HB 1636, which reforms the current law about the carry of firearms on off-road vehicles. The Senate Committee has recommended passage. Now it is up to the Senate.
Two bills have passed the New Hampshire Legislature and will be sent to Governor Sununu in a few days. The bills remove the ban on snowmobile and ATV carry, and reform the background check system.
SIG SAUER ACADEMY is proud to present the P365 EDC Championship. This first-ever concealed carry competition will feature 13 total stages, replicating real-life scenarios.
NRA members and Second Amendment supporters are encouraged to attend this hearing in order to express opposition to this anti-shooting range bill.
Common sense and loyalty to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is alive and well in the New Hampshire Governor’s office.
The results of two federally conducted audits performed by the FBI, revealed that the NH Department of Safety’s “Gun Line” was repeatedly found guilty of misuse of the NICS.
The passage of the bill comes on the hills of the New Hampshire House passing a red flag law last week. Democrats plan on pushing through more gun bills in the coming days
On March 5th, 2019 the New Hampshire state House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will hold a hearing on House Bill 687, which would take away the constitutional rights of individuals with
Unfortunately, this is an “I told you so video.” An Extreme Risk Protection Order Bill (ERPO) has been submitted in the gun friendly State of New Hampshire…the “Live Free or Die” state.
It is outrageous that Conservation Officers can search and arrest using the low level of proof known as reasonable suspicion but Major Crime Unit State Troopers must meet the higher burden of proof.
Please remind Governor Sununu that he is the last line of defense against New Hampshire becoming just another anti-gun Northeastern state.
Please click above to see our 2018 Report Card and if you see a candidate has failed to respond to our written survey requesting their views on Second Amendment Civil Rights issues.
A primary focus of the Airgun Sporting Association is to strengthen relationships between state wildlife agencies and representatives of the airgun industry.
HB 1313 is a simple bill that merely repeals the requirement(s) that those who wish to carry a loaded pistol or revolver on a snowmobile or ATV first obtain…
In other words, if you shoot a bad guy and are criminally charged, the bad guy would then be the “victim” …
New Hampshire’s anti-gun, Republican Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley is pushing, “red flag legislation”, which will allow the police to take away peoples guns..
Amendment 0408H would provide an enforcement mechanism for existing law which prevents local municipalities & governments from implementing ordinances that would create a complex patchwork of gun regs
It is outrageous that these rogue, anti-gun officials are objecting to the penalties contained in HB 1749. The criminal code contains numerous penalties for corrupt public officials.
Next week two firearms-related bills are being heard in House Committees in Concord, New Hampshire and I really need your help.
Certain anti-gun legislators were working overtime to ban semi-autos under the guise of banning so-called “bump stocks” and other accessories.
The email is intended to further explain why SB 500 is bad for gun owners. I’m surprised I even need to write this because our first alert was pretty clear.
Last night the NHFC reorganized the leadership of our organization. I am honored and humbled that they have asked me to serve as NHFC President.
In my last post, I told you about a couple of really bad anti-gun bills. If you missed that email please click here to read it.
As we enjoy the holiday season, anti-gun politicians in Concord, New Hampshire are plotting to take away your civil right to be armed.
I posted them on our website, click here for the first email and click here for the second, more detailed update and here for the last action alert.
You may have heard, on May 17, the Executive Council once again tabled the nomination of anti-gun David Patch for another 5 year term on the Fish and Game Commission.