Full Senate and the full Assembly are scheduled to take a final vote on Gov. Murphy’s misguided gun ban package Wednesday 6/29/2022!
Entire NJ Legislature to Vote on Murphy’s Anti-Gun Agenda

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Full Senate and the full Assembly are scheduled to take a final vote on Gov. Murphy’s misguided gun ban package Wednesday 6/29/2022!
During the 2018 National Matches, New Jersey fielded what was the first all-female team to ever compete in the National Trophy Infantry Team match, more commonly known as the Rattle Battle.
Buy it yesterday, ban it today, go to prison tomorrow – it’s the Jersey way, and the goal of our lawsuit is to boot this law, which makes no one safer, into the trash heap of history where it belongs.
Demand that pending magazine ban legislation be defeated or that real grandfathering be added. Click here for the list of every email address of every legislator in New Jersey.
The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs announced today that it has filed suit in federal court to overturn New Jersey’s draconian restrictions on carrying a handgun for self defense.
Legislation that would have created a taxpayer-funded anti-gun think tank at Rutgers University blew up amidst opposition from gun owners, legislators, & Rutgers itself…
Outraged by even the slightest change empowering citizens to protect themselves, anti-gun lawmakers last year fast-tracked bills to kill the new regulations…
Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs has joined a friend of the court brief among several state firearms organizations in the next major right to carry case…
After several days of gun owner outcry and subsequent dialogue with the bill sponsor, Assemblyman Ralph Caputo (D28) has graciously agreed to hold A4179/A4180…
There isn’t a single gun owner, shooting range, gun club, instructor, hunter education student, or person trying the shooting sports for the first time who would not be impacted by these bills
Please Tell Committee Members to Oppose These Misguided Bills And Instead Empower Citizens Against The Growing Terror Threat.
Vetoes Propose Deleting “Justifiable Need” As a Carry Permit Requirement, and Clean Repeal of the Smart Gun Law Mandate with No Strings Attached!
The regulation unfairly discriminated against residents of states like New Jersey, which make it difficult or impossible to obtain a home state permit.
Please immediately tell committee members to severely punish anyone who commits violent acts against a partner, instead of inventing new ways to harass gun owners, which makes no one safer.
We should be reminding lawmakers that they might actually get some bad guys if they stop passing redundant legislation and start enforcing the laws…
This afternoon, Governor Christie’s commission on NJ firearms permitting issued a series of recommended executive actions addressing egregious issues plaguing gun owners for decades. Governor Christie
As our leaders brazenly gouge away huge chunks of national bedrock, as we watch privacy evaporate, property rights crumble, religious freedom is assaulted, & the right to self-defense is turned on its
How the Senate President, Steve Sweeney , turned on gun owners and his fellow citizens. Draconian laws persist and the battle for Freedom in New Jersey wages on…
Tell the NJ Assembly Committee Members to Severely Punish Anyone Who Commits Violent Acts Against a Partner, Instead of Inventing New Ways to Harass and Intimidate Gun Owners…
New Jersey Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs Launches CrackDown Phase of Permitting StrikeForce Program. Towns That Won’t See the Light Are Going to Feel the Heat…
She will also be joined by Ginny Simone of NRA News, and gun rights attorney Evan Nappen. You don’t want to miss this one…
The attacks we face are merciless, the odds are stacked against us, and time is not our ally. Yet we find the strength to defend Freedom under impossible circumstances from those bent on destroying it
Claims that the gun ban has been removed from the bill are false. In fact, the amendments adopted today even added a procedure for disposing of the guns that would be banned…
Earlier this week, rumors began circulating that anti-gun Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane had invalidated the Keystone State’s concealed carry reciprocity agreement with Utah. ..
Gun Ban Intact Despite Claims to the Contrary Transportation Bill Made Even Worse With Botched Modification…
Gun owners, hunters and sportsmen need to immediately tell members of the committee to oppose this blatant attack on their rights that will not affect crime or prevent another tragedy…
The case is still under consideration, and nothing more can be concluded at this time. This type of activity, while not the norm, is not unprecedented…
If the Supreme Court decides to take the case, it could clarify the right to carry issue for the entire nation, and New Jersey would become ground zero for the gun rights movement…
The Spring of 2014 could go down in history as one of the greatest times of both challenge and opportunity New Jersey gun owners have ever seen…
New Jersey’s latest legislation restricting firearms magazine capacity to 10 rounds from 15 isn’t about violence prevention, it’s about confiscating hardware from law-abiding citizens…