The NRA First Amendment lawsuit against Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York moves forward into the discovery phase.
NRA Moves Forward in First Amendment Case Against NY Governor Cuomo

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The NRA First Amendment lawsuit against Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York moves forward into the discovery phase.
If you live, work or travel in New York, or plan to, CALL the Governor TODAY and STOP the OUTRAGEOUS arrests and prosecutions in New York City!
Knife Rights’ New York Gravity Knife Law Reform Bill passed the Senate by a unanimous 62-0 vote. The bill is now ready to be transmitted to Governor Cuomo.
Civil rights attorney Paloma A. Capanna blasted Cuomo for discriminating against law-abiding gun owners through excessive reporting of patients to the FBI.
After three years of effort, Knife Rights’ Gravity Knife and Switchblade Law Reform Bill, S6483-A/A9042-A, has been transmitted to Governor Cuomo.
Earlier this year, the Supreme Court dealt a blow to a similar Massachusetts law, but that case was resolved before a final decision was reached.
The other day, Hillary accepted the inaugural Mario M. Cuomo Visionary Award from the anti-gun Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence…
The SAFE Act ammunition database and background check has been stopped by a signed AGREEMENT between Governor Cuomo and State Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan…
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has named the Top Ten Anti-Gunners for 2014, with billionaire Michael Bloomberg topping the list..
New York State still does not have the technology in place to enable retailers to perform the mandatory background checks on ammunition purchases required by the state’s SAFE Act, signed by Gov. Cuomo
The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association calls for an additional televised debate between Governor Andrew Cuomo and challenger Rob Astorino…
New York Oath Keepers want apology for being wrongly listed as a threat to New York law enforcement and others…
Get ready for Safe Act 2 if Cuomo Wins. Check out this 4 minute video of a town hall with Orange County Sheriff Carl E. DuBois…
Cuomo is scared! Why he picked Kathy Hochul as his running mate, he knows the anti-gun SAFE act could kill his campaign so he tried to deceive you by picking a lieutenant governor with an NRA endorsement…
Governor Cuomo awoke this morning to a massive problem, one million plus new felons…
In Anti-Gun Gov. Cuomo’s latest outburst, he labeled gun rights supporters as “extreme conservatives” who “have no place in the state of New York.”…
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo & State Police Superintendent Joseph D’Amico have agreed, in a stipulated order, to not enforce a section of the state’s controversial SAFE Act while an appeal is underway…
What makes this governor’s comments, and comments of most leftist Democrats, so scary is that they are declaring all who disagree with them to be “enemies of humanity!”…
This legislation took less than 24 hours to be printed and then become law, and now the rampant problems with its implementation are an embarrassing testament to that deeply flawed and misguided process…
Sometimes those who claim to be so superior to the rest of us show us just how much more intelligent they really are,,,not…
On March 21, the NRA made good on that promise, assisting the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, and others, along with several businesses and individuals, in filing suit against the NY SAFE Act…
For anyone interested in knowing about the “NYSAFE Act,” “The Arbalest Quarrel” weblog is a must have resource to book mark…
Andrew Cuomo, the Empire State governor, is facing a law suit brought by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association about his “SAFE Act”…
Cuomo told the sheriffs to cease and desist expressing their wide-ranging comments in opposition to many of the law’s provisions…
Half-Cocked: Public Service Announcement for NY Criminals
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Machiavellian Plot to ignore and subvert the Rights of potentially millions of NY State residents developed another layer late Sunday…
The claim by the Erie County Clerk that New York State Police had simply provided “bad information” resulting in permit revocation and the confiscation of Amherst resident David Lewis’ guns is not true…
Governor Cuomo supports these grants to ensure the hunting communities have access to ranges to improve and practice their shooting skills…
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) and state legislative leaders have now publicly admitted mistakes in their rush to pass what is arguably the worst gun control law in the country – the SAFE ACT…
We will take effective, organized action to STRIKE DOWN THE NY SAFE ACT by claiming and exercising our First Amendment Right to Petition in what we hope will be the greatest showing of We The People in New York’s history…