The report didn’t account for the spike in criminal activity during and post-pandemic and it didn’t overlay the “Defund the Police” policies by progressive politicians and prosecutors to go soft-on-crime.
For gun owners, there can be only one takeaway from a story such as the Lake City hit piece: Ammo – they’re going after our ammo next.
Gun violence is a term created by the gun prohibition lobby (often incorrectly identified by the establishment media as ‘gun safety’ or ‘gun reform’ groups).
The truth is, a strong deterrent will minimize violence and loss of life, not to mention bring about real “social justice.”
Facts never made it into the Times’ story. Why? Because it doesn’t fit their false anti-gun narrative that American-made firearms are flooding into Mexico.
A magazine article from the New York Times implied the Black Rifle Coffee Company is disgusted with their customers. It seems aimed to wreak the rising conservative company.
That does not mean the entire system and framework of government they devised, from the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are invalidated.
Gillum is just another in a long line of Democrats who won’t control themselves yet harbor a megalomaniacal obsession to control everybody else.
So Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham are going to put limitations on how the states can administer federally-funded “red flag” programs? See how long that lasts if the Democrats take it all in 2020…
If you take that criminal population out of the equation, responsible citizens are quite capable of coexisting with firearms…
NYT editors grace us with such pearls of wisdom, like: “The bigger the bullet, the bigger the hole.”
It is not often that AmmoLand News is quoted in The New York Times. This mention was in an op/ed about the Supreme Court, by award-winning Journalist, Linda Greenhouse.
Rather than admit the “universal background check” bill of goods the gun-grabbers are pushing is another fraudulent incremental disarmament ploy…The Times demands still more infringements.
Splashed across the New York Times this weekend was a feature article that showed respectful and even positive imagery of a hunter harvesting an elk. I know. I thought the same thing. New York Times?
If that’s what they’d say about a man many of us considered unacceptably “moderate,” what must they want followers to think about those of us that are more hardline?
If a tyrannical government does repeal the Second Amendment it will not take away our right to keep and bear arms. Only we can give that up.
Have Yu Ning’s masters got some human rights examples for you!
Plenty more examples exist to refute the reassurances that no wider disarmament goals exist.
American gun owners take note of leftist media’s nonsensical, but deliberate, vilification of bipods, scopes, “bump-stocks, etc is deliberate.
The scare tactics used by the New York Times in the wake of a tragedy are both disgusting and shockingly tone-deaf….
That seems to be the message of “Only Ones” everywhere, including here in the U.S.
[This] is a lashing out at the results of the November elections…
As a global crisis grows, Sigma Force will confront a threat born of the ancient past and made real by the latest science—a danger that will unleash a cascading series of plagues.
On Sunday, March 27, 2016, Easter Sunday, the lead article concerned Obama’s most recent nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Merrick Garland. Judge Garland presently serves as Chief…..
This sad excuse for a news article is part of the current anti-gun offensive being waged by the Times.
Never let it be said that the New York Times can’t recognize the important moments in American history, nor muster the courage to express its opinions on its front page when the situation demands.
As these un-American interests so dare to bring America to its knees, there will be a day of reckoning. And that day of reckoning is fast approaching.
All that does is highlight the glaring truth that criminals break the law.
That certainly doesn’t sound like anything “background checks” or a “high capacity magazine” ban would have any impact on. It sounds like they just don’t want anyone to have a gun.
Monday must have been a hard day for New York Times columnist Charles Blow, given the anti-gun, anti-NRA tone of his previous musings.