This year, the NRA membership voted overwhelmingly to create the position of NRA Chief Compliance Officer. Robert Mensinger was elected by the Board to serve in that position.
NRA members deserve a Board of Directors that does what it was elected to do: oversee the operation of our Association to the best of its ability…
We all want the same things: A strong, effective NRA, fiscally stable, solidly grounded in the principles of liberty, actively working to protect our rights and promote our sports and hobbies.
This outcome is a resounding win for the NRA and for the NRA Foundation, too. Both remain positioned to meet their respective goals and mission…
Only 4 candidates on the ballot by petition of their fellow members and are publicly advocating for major changes on the members’ behalf. But you must take action!
The NRA is in crises. Much of the NRA problems have been self inflicted by the current leadership
I recommend that you do NOT vote for any incumbent NRA Director on the ballot. These are the people who have shirked their duty and allowed the NRA mess to develop..
Wayne LaPierre, has admitted virtually everything that he’s been accused of over the past five years, & a jury has found him liable for padding his own pockets to the tune of $5.5 million.
The NRA is an important player in the Second Amendment movement, and we should all be cheering for it to experience a classic American comeback.
A six-person jury rendered a verdict that found the NRA failed to properly administer the organization and its assets, and that it violated whistleblower protections of New York Nonprofit Law.
The current NRA Board has failed in its duty to the NRA members. Every single Board member should resign immediately.
Persuade your NRA friends to vote for the four reform candidates, and you can also persuade your clubs, state associations, grassroots groups, and the gun media, to get off the sidelines..
NRA Board Bullet Voting works to get my personally favorite NRA Board candidate a seat on the National Rifle Association board.
No single person on the NRA Board of Directors bears more responsibility and culpability for the NRA’s present dire circumstances than Charles Cotton.
If Wayne LaPierre is unable to testify for several hours consecutively due to his illness why is he still in charge of the National Rifle Association?
The current NRA Bord of Directors has a chance to do the right thing and put an end to the corruption, or they can make ignore the bylaws & allow Charles Cotton to continue destroying the NRA.
Having LaPierre out of office probably helps the NRA’s the org, but it won’t get the NRA insiders & longtime Board members off the hook.
In a cliffhanger twist worthy of a “B” movie, the NRA has scheduled a brief meeting of the Board of Directors. No one but insiders at the top knows what to expect
Spread the word that there are 4 committed reformers on the 2024 NRA BOD ballot, & that every vote is going to be critical…
The NRA needs Directors who are willing to ask tough questions, challenge the status quo, and stand up for the membership.
Dell’Aquila began looking closer at where his NRA donations were actually going, he began asking questions about how his & other members’ money was being spent?
Then in a surprise move, the board elected Bob Barr to replace Willes Lee as First VP. Without the Bylaw change, Lee could have been elected NRA President.
A new move is afoot in the ongoing soap opera that is today’s National Rifle Association. A motion has been put forward to amend the current Bylaws to allow more continued unaccountability….
This could be our last chance to vote in an NRA Board of Directors election. Unfortunately, there’s not really anyone to vote for…
It’s hard to imagine a scenario where Letitia James, the NRA-hating AG of New York, would turn out to be the NRA’s savior, but that’s how things are stacking up!?
If the Board does not choose LTC Allen West to be the next EVP I believe the NY Court will choose Wayne LaPierre’s replacement for them.
Does the NRA need new leadership? Is it time for Wayne to step back and let new blood lead the way? What do you think?
How much it is costing the Association – in money, trust, and influence – to keep LaPierre in power. Tell your NRA Directors to stop the madness.
I would be honored to secure the legacy [of the NRA] going forward for future generations of legal, law-abiding American citizens and gun owners…
Wayne LaPierre’s motive is to continue the fight to protect our rights and further strengthen the Association to which he has devoted his life.