An equally perplexing question is why the current NRA Board has so far not even attempted to rein in its rogue executives when they work for the board!?
Why is Wayne LaPierre Still Controlling the NRA? LTC West as Replacement?

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
An equally perplexing question is why the current NRA Board has so far not even attempted to rein in its rogue executives when they work for the board!?
Allen West would make a great Executive Vice President of the NRA, as a nationally recognized advocate for the 2nd Amendment. West has extensive political experience
Frank Tait is the only person on the ballot who has consistently called for & worked toward, full accountability on the part of the executives, staff, & NRA Board.
The NY Attorney General has subpoenaed the files on the arbitration between NRA and Chris Cox, the purged head of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA_ILA).
NY’s AG has issued a subpoena for documents to Susan LaPierre that gives us a good idea of where the investigation is headed at this point in the ongoing NRA disaster.
The BOD will not change course & has no intention of correcting the wrongdoing of the past. An Independent Receiver could help stop the raiding of the NRA’s bank account.
NRA is a lost cause. The “leadership” has effectively shut out dissenting voices, ignored valid, serious concerns, promoted corruption and incompetence, and stifled member participation.
At this point, I see no chance of the Board doing anything at all to mitigate the coming disaster. For the NRA “the worst is yet to come.”
“The Proposed Intervenor is a Director of the National Rifle Association (‘NRA’) and has the statutory right … to assert derivative claims on its behalf”…
By stating factual details of what was actually going on at NRA, & crediting Wayne LaPierre for spearheading corporate actions recently taken, I apparently wandered into a generational blood feud..
Most of the candidates offered are current members of the Board, and almost all of those will be reelected, just because the majority of Voting Members who bother to vote…
Many have opined that the NRA needs a smaller, Board of Directors, more accountability, less follow the leader, more member control. So here are my ideas…
“The goal is to restore trust in the leadership,” Journey said. “To have sound corporate governance. To stop the financial abuses. To create a set of rules that we can follow and operate efficiently.”
Missing in all of this is anyone representing the folks actually paying the bills – NRA Members. NRA dues-paying members and their organization are left hanging in the breeze.
If the NRA bankruptcy filing is actually beneficial to the Association or its members for other reasons, that’s enough “good faith” for the case to remain in the bankruptcy court.
The NRA is in a deep hole and the Board of Directors continues to dig furiously. If we want to save our NRA, we need representation in the courts. Concerned members, please take action.
The judge in the NRA’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy case, has set March 9 as the date for hearing most of the early motions.
The latest twist has been the filing of a motion by NRA Board member Phil Journey, calling for an Examiner, to explore the various accusations of corruption, mismanagement, & financial misdeeds.
In his announcement to the Board, LaPierre stressed that this bankruptcy filing is not based on any financial troubles, but is just a tool for reorganization.
The NRA has opened up “Preregistration” for the October 24th, 2020, Members’ Meeting in Tucson, AZ. Interested members will need to preregister online before the event.
New York’s corrupt politicians sorely underestimate the spirit of the NRA. We are fighting back – with the might of more than 5 million patriots.
Under the NRA Charter and Bylaws, a Members’ Meeting must be held every year before November 30. 2020.
Let me be clear. I write this not to urge or convince you to sing Wayne LaPierre’s praises — although you should. Or, to discourage anyone from applying for his job.
No one knows who would make a good CEO for the NRA. A few people have someone they like for the job, but there’s no one that everyone is ready to get behind.
What the members can do, is to attend, stay to the bitter end, demand that everything be heard and discussed, and refuse to be shut down.
Phillip Journey is running for the 2020 NRA Board of Directors, please consider him for your vote when returning your ballot.
Each year I try to provide some guidance to NRA members wondering how to best utilize their votes in the election of members of the NRA Board of Directors. This year is a bit different.
Do you agree that politicians should be held accountable in their NRA grades for immigration actions that undermine the Second Amendment?
Since the Winter 2020 Board Meeting of the NRA in Tyson’s Corner, VA a few weeks ago, the question I’ve been asked most often by Members is “Who should I vote for in the Board of Directors Election?”
Be advised what follows is a list of the individuals I am endorsing for the NRA BoD. They all deserve your vote! I am NOT voting for Charles Cotton!!!