According to research from the NSSF, in 2014 over 50 million Americans went “target or sport shooting”, it is very apparent we have plenty of opportunity…
NRA Board of Directors Perspective : Comments by Julie Golob

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
According to research from the NSSF, in 2014 over 50 million Americans went “target or sport shooting”, it is very apparent we have plenty of opportunity…
Colonel William H. Satterfield had a thirty-two years’ service in the Army Reserve, including active duty in Viet Nam and Thailand.
My endorsement list for NRA Directors this year is pretty short. As a matter of fact, it’s really short: Adam Kraut of Pennsylvania..
“A right is not a right unless it is exercised which is why the recreational and competitive shooting sports are important to me.” ~ Edie Fleeman
NJ2AS is inundated with questions from our membership & supporters on who we should vote for in this year’s 2018 NRA Board of Directors election.
We need the best NRA Board of Directors possible. Few major organizations allow “you” to have a say, like the National Rifle Association’s by-laws do.
John L. Cushman has been on the Board for just over 20 years and has what it takes to continue to be of value to firearms owners and sportsmen
AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is endorsing Robert K Brown, publisher of Soldier Of Fortune Magazine, for the 2020 NRA Board of Directors.
Hello AmmoLand News readers my name is Joel Friedman and I am a current NRA Board Member seeking re-election to the 2018 NRA Board.
NRA engaged in a barrage of cheesy sweepstakes, fire-sales on memberships, & heavy-handed direct-mail fundraising to rebuild their depleted coffers & making Ack-Mac a huge pile of money.
My name is Duane Liptak Jr., I am the Executive Vice President of Magpul Industries. I want to say a few words on why I want to represent you on the National Rifle Association’s Board of Directors.
With the election of rabid gun banning Democrat, Phil Murphy, to the office of NJ Governor, Scott Bach’s leadership in the state of New Jersey is now needed more than ever.
While I’m no Neal Knox, I have introduced proposed changes to strengthen the National Rifle Association and start the process of returning control to the members.
As an experienced & dedicated no-compromise Second Amendment activist, David does his best to spread the word about NRA’s good works & the vital importance of the Second Amendment.
Right now, a group of agitators have already quietly worked their way onto the NRA Board and others are now actively trying to get elected to the NRA Board..
Tim spent over 40 days on the road during the 2016 election season, fighting universal background check ballot measures in Maine & NV; & with gun owners in Georgia, TN, NC & SC to get out the vote.
I will champion you and accurately represent the truth of who American gun owner is: responsible, safe, intelligent, capable and courageous.
Serving on the NRA Board of Directors is a great opportunity to unite, encourage, and inspire women. Not only to participate in shooting sports, but to confidently carry firearms.
Carrie Lightfoot has been nominated by the NRA’s nominating committee for election to the NRA Board of Directors in the upcoming 2018 elections.
Julie Golob has been a great friend & supporter of AmmoLand Shooting Sports News for many years and now needs your support.
Adam Kraut is running for NRA Board of Directors & has three proposed bylaw changes that seek to restore the Board’s accountability to NRA Members…
Adam Kraut is running for NRA 2018 Board of Directors & has proposed a Term Limit bylaw change that seeks to restore the Board’s accountability to NRA Members.
I want to thank all of the members of the NRA for all that you have done for me over the years to help me fight for our God-given right to keep and bear arms…
We’re not going to Fix NRA in one fell swoop, but we’ll never get it done if we don’t start getting some fearless advocates onto the board.
With legislative gun rights issues and the growing popularity of shooting activities, it is more important than ever to shape our Board with active leadership.