Weapons used in Fast & Furious have been implicated in the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry & hundreds of innocent Mexicans. And will continue to be used to kill US & Mexican, citizens…
Obama Administration
Caruba: What is the Difference Between the DNC and the CPUSA?
If one looks at the Democrat Party today, there is scant difference between it and the self-professed Communist Party USA which twice endorsed the election of Barack Obama…
Petition Asks White House to Recognize Second Amendment Does Not ‘Give’ a Right
I just got done creating a White House petition. “Recognize that the government does not ‘give citizens the right to bear arms,’’ it asks…
Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail: What to do for the next Anti-gun President
What happens when there is an anti-Second Amendment president in office after Trump?
Trump Administration to Release Fast & Furious Documents To Congress
After six years of being stonewalled by the US Justice Department, we might finally get the details of the Eric Holder and Barak Obama era failed gun-walking operation…
What Does President Trump’s Declassification Of Nunez Memo Foretell For USA
The Memo illustrates the way Senior Officials of the DOJ & FBI obtained a warrant to conduct secret surveillance of an American citizen…
Rep. Massie Takes Shot at Lead Ammunition Ban
“This isn’t about conservation. This is about reducing Americans’ ability to exercise their Second Amendment rights. “
Obama Says Goodbye to America’s Gun Owners with an Ammo Ban
Like so much of what Barack Obama claimed as “accomplishments,” it will hopefully amount to little more than a symbolic act of defiance…
Obama’s Parting Shot at the Second Amendment
The Social Security Administration announced they will be reporting thousands of Social Security benefit recipients to the FBI’s National Instant Check System as “prohibited persons.”
California-DC Corruption Connection: Disgraced Eric Holder’s New Gig
The contempt charge came in connection with Holder’s refusal to turn over documents about his agency’s lies on Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama administration’s gun-walking scandal.
What’s The Obama Administration Up To On Firearms?
The Obama Administration’s record on firearms is curiously mixed. On the one hand, the President deserves an award – which he is unlikely to receive or want – as America’s greatest gun salesman.
Grandma Got Run Over by Obama: SSA Finalizes New Gun Rule
SSA issued the final version of a rule that will doom thousands with disability insurance and SSI recipients to a loss of Second Amendment rights.
Merry Christmas & A Reminder to Stay Alert
For reasons known only to him, a man in possession of the intelligence that would confirm everything I just told you, he will intentionally let American citizens, feel they are safe and sound…
Obama Laments His Failure to Enact Gun Control During Presidency
I’m sure you heard the recent news. President Obama last week sent the UN Arms Trade Treaty to the Senate for ratification.
The UN Threat To Our Freedoms Persists
As the NRA predicted, the focus of the UN Arms Trade Treaty is now shifting almost exclusively to the domestic civilian trade in firearms…
Obama Just Sent the Arms Trade Treaty to the Senate. Thankfully It Doesn’t Matter
For the president to now send this treaty to the Senate, during the lame-duck session, & after Clinton’s election defeat, is essentially dropping the treaty in the trash…
President Obama Continues Early Release of Armed Drug Traffickers
His overall tally during his time in office is 872. This more than the combined number of his 11 predecessors in the White House!
The Obamacare Tipping Point
Since the ACA’s first open enrollment period, millions of Americans have opted-in to the government healthcare plan otherwise known as Obamacare.
Obama & Clinton Tell Us America Must Sacrifice Its Prosperity
Obama and Clinton tell us, duplicitously, disingenuously, and hypocritically that America’s sacrifices are necessary because they promote worthy causes. But, what worthy causes?
‘Forget Our Boarders, We Are Citizens of the World’…NOT On My Watch
Under the new schema of political thought engendered by Obama, the concept of the ‘Nation State’ is archaic, obsolete, as is our Constitution…
Obama & Clinton’s Bizarre, Alien Agenda for America
Their agenda, has sullied a basic precept, that each Nation has a unique history; its own set of laws; & core values. That Americans are citizens of the world, not merely citizens of America..
Promising Regulation News For Gunsmiths
There is promising news to report in the continued fight to fend off regulatory overreaches affecting gunsmiths and industry professionals by the obama administration.
Democrat’s Hive Mindset vs Importance Of The Individual
Obama and Clinton don’t mention that ultimate power resides in the American People because that fact is inconsistent with the Imperial Presidency.
Hillary Clinton & President Obama Never Mention Our ‘Sacred Rights & Liberties’
For all their pretentious pronouncements, Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama forbear from remarking on the import of our sacred rights and liberties.
“Smart” Gun Glitches Confirm Gun Owner Concerns
As part of his executive gun-control fixes, President Obama has endorsed so-called “smart” gun technology…
A Narrative Fight with Radical Islam? What?
BHO and HRC are “wine & cheese liberals,” who have never had to fight anyone, nor for anything, in their entire pampered, leftist lives.
Obama Nearly Doubles Commutations in Month
The president of color is releasing young prisoners of color, issuing clemency at ten times the historic rate, and no one sees any racism in this?
Pro-Gun Congress Members Respond to DOS’s Disastrous Gunsmith “Guidance”
DDTC’s “guidance” document creates far more confusion than clarity & threatens to chill lawful behavior & put small commercial gunsmiths who cannot afford ITAR’s heavy compliance costs.
Obama Administration Flouts Law (Again) to Benefit Anti-Hunting Pals
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and its Obama-appointed director have issued new regulations closing 77 million acres of land (an area larger than 45 of the country’s 50 states) in…..
Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, the Next Pol Pot?
Turkey is rapidly becoming another Iran and will destroy what is left of NATO. NATO nations sincerely regret having ever admitted Turkey!