The preliminary question is one that goes to the presumed authority upon which Obama works his legerdemain on the American people
Obama Administration
Texas Governor to Obama on Executive Gun Control: ‘COME AND TAKE IT’
The Texas Governor who himself graced the front of a Texas Monthly magazine cover armed with a shotgun, tweeted, “Obama wants gun control. COME AND TAKE IT @NRA…
A Sudden Shift in The Gun Debate?
Suddenly, within the last few weeks, many gun control advocates have dramatically changed their tune.
Character Flaw of Those Currently In Charge
Here is yet another obvious example of the BHO Administration cynically attempting to “soften” real facts & issues of such terrorist acts by Islamic criminals.
Rand Paul Introduces Bill to Block Obama’s Executive Gun Control
Paul’s legislation would apply to “any execution action on gun control that either infringes upon congressional authority or potentially violates the Second Amendment.”
If Not For The NRA Your Right To Guns Would Be Gone
Last year when the NRA warned that Hillary and the President would place our rights at risk we were told we were paranoid for listening to the NRA.
Is This a Turning Point in the Gun Fight?
Something interesting may be happening. The lines in the sand are becoming clearer between gun banners and freedom lovers.
America’s Hunters & Sportsmen Expected To Take It In Obama’s War On Terror
According to Obama, the nation needs to make friends with everyone – everyone except the nation’s lawful firearm owners, that is..
Obama, Too Cool for School!
BHO has painted himself into a corner. He is in a self-inflicted political tailspin the liberal media has had to embarrassingly pretend it isn’t true and isn’t happening…
Tell Oklahoma Governor Fallin to Say NO to Refugees
The President seems determined to bring these refugees into our nation without knowing much about them. Are they refugees or are they terrorists? No one seems to be able to answer that…
Obama’s Impassioned Mass-Murder Speech Includes Errors
By focusing on an isolated “newsworthy” tragedy in one place, Mr. Obama unknowingly obscures the real issue, and does indeed politicize it…
Congressman Sam Johnson Introduces Bill to Protect Social Security Recipients
Last Wednesday, Congressman Sam Johnson (R-Tex.) introduced H.R. 3516, the “Social Security Beneficiary 2nd Amendment Rights Protection Act.” The purpose of the bill is to protect recipients of…..
NRA Backs Bill to Protect Rights of Social Security Recipients
The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) announced its support today for the Social Security Beneficiary 2nd Amendment Rights Protection Act.
NRA Supports Legislation to Stop Obama Administration from Denying Rights of Millions
The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) today announced its support for legislation that would protect the constitutional rights of millions of veterans and…..
Freedom Advocates & Pro-Gun Senators Unite to Oppose the Obama Administration
As we reported in June, the Obama Administration’s State Department (DOS) proposed a revision of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) on June 3 that would require anyone seeking to…
Obama’s SSA to Strip Millions of Americans of their Right to Keep and Bear Arms
As the L.A. Times reported, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is currently developing a program to strip the Second Amendment Rights of over four million Americans currently receiving SSA…
Obama’s ‘Deal’ with Iran – Yay, We Get Nothing!
We’ll now see a frantic scramble to develop nuclear capability on the part of other nations in the region, like Saudi Arabia, and around the world…
Will Congress Stop the Obama Administration from Disarming our Military Veterans?
We just celebrated Independence Day, from that initial struggle against the British to the present day, we have honored our military veterans for their courageous sacrifice in helping keep us free.
Regulators Breathe Life into Marijuana Businesses as They Seek to Choke Out FFLs
The Obama administration never lets “details” like democratically-passed laws or constitutional amendments, get in the way of its relentless undermining of lawful gun ownership…
The President Gets It Wrong Once Again – Guns Are Actually Saving Lives
One of the biggest problems at South Carolina church is that the potential victims were disarmed by law…
Obama Sets New Record Exploiting Murdered Church Members To Push Gun Control
With less than 24 hours since a twenty one year old killer murdered nine innocent church members in Charleston, SC, president Obama has set a new record of politicizing their deaths for gun control…
Obama’s State Department Could Gag Firearms Communications over the Internet
A rewrite of the State Department’s arms control regulations could potentially grant the State Department a wide-ranging power to monitor and control gun-related speech on the Internet…
Stop Obama’s Planned Gag Order For AmmoLand Shooting Sports News
This time it is personal! President Obama is using his imperial pen and telephone to curb your rights and bypass Congress through executive action…
Congress Stops Obama From Giving Iran Nuke
Why would an American president give Iran nukes, Congress asks itself, then votes 98 to 1, in unheard of unison effort, against letting him do so…
Obama Administration Opposes CMP Handgun Sales
The House of Representatives has approved Congressman Mike D. Rogers’ amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which—if accepted in the Senate—could make it possible for Americans who…..
The Russian S-300 Slap Down on Obama
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent decree promptly lifting former President Dmitry Medvedev’s 2007 ban on exporting the Grumble to Iran constitutes a slap down for American diplomacy…
Good News for Hunters & Sport Shooters as NRA Thwarts Obama Administration Policy
Thanks to diligent work by your NRA, an Obama administration policy that would have essentially stopped American hunters and sport shooters from traveling internationally with their personal……….
Obama Nominee, Loretta Lynch, Confirmed as Attorney General of the United States
On April 23, 2015, President Obama’s U.S. Attorney General Nominee, Loretta Lynch, was confirmed in the U.S. Senate by a vote of 56-43, becoming the latest (but not likely the greatest) Attorney……
Obama’s Eight Year Crash…
It was only near the end of the 8-minute plunge that everyone finally understood what was really happening. Only near the end when they began to scream…
Jones Out at ATF – Multiple Scandal Questions Never Answered
I have to couch my comments in terms of “possibly,” and “believed,” because questions about this scandal and the people involved have never been answered…