This may be a situation where over ambitious radical, gun-grabbers overplay their hand and end up unraveling the State’s entire permitting process.
New Jersey Says ‘Only One Gun Per Month’

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
This may be a situation where over ambitious radical, gun-grabbers overplay their hand and end up unraveling the State’s entire permitting process.
Nguyen is a challenge to California’s law prohibiting the purchase of more than one firearm within any 30-day period…
California is trying to defend the indefensible while protecting an unconstitutional law, The state will be dragged kicking and screaming to the reality that the law is wrong.
No matter what others tell you, and always without addressing my challenge, the issues of guns and immigration are inextricably intertwined.
Unfortunately, McAuliffe seems to be far more interested in appeasing the anti-gun politicians in his home state of New York than he does protecting law-abiding Virginians.
Cabot Guns, America’s premiere maker of high-quality handguns, today announced the launch of The Cabot Elite Gun of the Month Club…
Assembly Bill 1674, would make it a crime to attempt to purchase more than one firearm of any type in any 30-day period.
First elected to the House of Delegates in 2001, Lingamfelter was Chief Patron of the 2012 legislation that repealed Virginia’s gun rationing (one-gun-a-month) law…
Repeal of Virginia’s One Handgun A Month goes into effect on July 1, 2012.
There has never been any evidence that restricting handgun sales to one per month did anything but impact the ability of lawful gun owners to exercise their right to keep and bear arms.
Virginians know that law-abiding citizens should not have their right to purchase firearms rationed,” said Chris W. Cox, Executive Director for NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.
Handgun rationing was signed into law in 1993 by then Governor L. Douglas Wilder. Virginia is the second state to repeal handgun rationing.
The Virginia Senate just passed the repeal of One Handgun a Month by 21 to 19.
The State Senate is scheduled for a final vote on SB 323, a bill to repeal Virginia’s handgun rationing bill (one gun-a-month) on Thursday, February 2nd.
Two important pro-rights bills were reported out of the committee and are now headed to the Senate floor. Both bills are top priorities of VSSA’s legislative agenda.
Topics include Repeal of Handgun Rationing, Castle Doctrine, Ban on Private Sales.
Introduced by Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose (R-24), A 857 would repeal New Jersey’s law which allows residents to purchase only one handgun per month.
Cam Edwards talks to Dave Adams from the Virginia Shooting Sports Association on the positive pro gun make up of the coming Virginia legislature and the chances of killing Virginia’s One Gun a Month Law…
No amount of rhetoric on the part of gun prohibitionists is going to change the fact that guns save lives. In most cases, guns save lives without a shot being fired. That is why you don’t hear about it…
NJ Plainfield churches act as “collection sites” in which persons are paid up to $200 in cash with “no-questions- asked” for any type of gun from handguns…
Directs the State Police to establish a “handgun purchaser identification card” which would permit the sale, transfer and delivery of handguns between cardholders and retail dealers only…
As special agent in charge of Chicago’s ATF field division, Traver had taken the lead in calling for a ban on semiautomatic firearms…
Law-abiding gun owners throughout Massachusetts scored a major victory as Gov. Deval Patrick’s one-gun-a-month bill failed to pass…
Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs Files Lawsuit Against One-Gun-A-Month Law
New Jersey Assembly Passes One-Gun-A-Month Reform Bill
New Jersey: Important Gun Rights Related Hearing To Be Held Monday, January 4 2010
New Jersey Firearms Task Force Legislation Sticks it to Honest Gun Owners – Again! Thanksgiving Gun Winner is…
NSSF Testifies On One-Gun-A-Month Law In New Jersey’s One Gun a Month Giveaway