…outrageous insult to the citizens of this state that they will continue to be denied their rights while dangerous extremists like Evans, Manning & far-left staffers are allowed to go armed.
As if to prove us right when we told you not to trust far-left crazies like Paul Evans, today he went over the deep end…
The legislature wastes thousands upon thousands of dollars to draft and move stupid bills like this to feed the insatiable egos of clowns like Manning and Prozanski.
Gun bans for 18-20 year olds. Bans on specialty triggers. Bans on concealed carry in all public buildings and property around them. Waiting periods, new red tape for background checks, and of course …
Our choice for president is clear, but until the “leadership” of the OR Republican Party is openly helping the people who are stealing our rights. Oregon gun owners are in serious trouble.
Oregon lawmakers’ incessant urge to subjugate the people is truly insatiable, and Oregon’s judge’s blatant and arrogant disregard for the Supreme Court’s clear dictates is chilling.
Now countless Oregon gun owners who, perfectly legally, manufactured their own personal firearms could face felony charges.
Harris is a low IQ quota hire with no actual accomplishments. Her most memorable moments are convoluted, word-salad embarrassments that serve only as fodder for memes…
After a national win for gun owners, battles against Oregon’s Measure 114 are moving forward at a glacial pace. We believe our federal lawsuit will take several more years in the courts…
Voters who once accepted Soros-backed soft-on-crime prosecutors “saw the light” and now are swinging the pendulum back towards accountability for those who break the law.
These are the candidates of the people and NOT the candidates of the corporate lobbyists who buy elections to maintain the status quo and their grip on legislation.
Judge James C. Egan declared gun owners to be racist, anti-semitic, white supremacists in an unhinged rant against the people’s vote to create a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary…
No one has ever seen a dime of the $25,000 check, and now Republican House Reps run for cover when you ask them what happened to their photo-op lawsuit.
Under her “leadership,” the House Republicans offered an unconditional surrender to the anti-rights Democrats. She even voted to put tampons in boys bathrooms…
The goal is to increase the list of people who can make unfounded and unproven accusations leading to the state-sponsored theft of firearms.
Democrats who are controlling Salem want nothing more than to shut down every FFL in Oregon. That is why they are spending millions of your tax dollars…
The Democrats and their Department of “Justice” have displayed a white-hot hatred for law-abiding gun owners and blind rage fed by your tax dollars.
The far left that controls Oregon state & intimidates Republicans into subservience is at work attacking your gun rights. Next up: Red Flag Gun Confiscation.
The openly anti-gun 9th Circuit has bowed to Oregon’s ruling leftist cabal and agreed to delay dealing with our appeal until after it decides a California case, Duncan et al. v Bonta.
Oregon Republicans who regularly complain that nothing is their fault because the voters don’t elect enough of them might actually give voters a reason to elect more.
No question this bill is intended to strip the rights of legally armed people to protect their property. While the leftists promoting it are trying to mislead voters…
In his vicious & unhinged attack, Judge Egan equated ordinances protecting the Second Amendment with white supremacists & anti-semites.
The Oregon Legislative session is rolling on. As always, Democrats are hard at work attempting to enable violent criminals & endanger Oregonians.
Thousands of Oregonians would be denied the guns they paid for & have not gotten, police would still be in an impossible situation, & gun owners with standard magazines still faced jail time.
It was already too short to allow the State Police to build, test, & implement a registration & permitting system. The deadline now is December 8th, 2022.
Oregon Firearms has filed the first of what we believe will be numerous lawsuits to put the brakes on Ballot Measure 114, Oregon’s gun ban initiative.
First-time gun buyers, this could well require that you have a gun BEFORE you can get a permit to buy a gun!?
Biden announced new rules to attack firearms. As with all of his press conferences, it was truly painful to watch & not to mention, creepy.
This has been a bad year for patriots. The most destructive and disgraceful legislative session in Oregon history ended on Saturday, June 26th, 2021.
Normal people were outraged by this sick display of petty vengeance and let the turncoats know. Before disappearing, testimony was soundly against this childish abuse of legislative power.