Oregonians watch as their state descends into a hellhole of mindless lockdowns, business failures, skyrocketing suicide rates, & unchecked mob violence, many wondered how this could happen.
SB 554 was a direct attack on persons with Oregon Concealed Handgun Licenses. This assault was based on nothing except the Democrat’s blind hatred for gun owners.
Six RINO Republican Senators have now all but guaranteed that Oregon CHL holders who go too close to a public building will face 5 years in prison.
“Today the House Committee on Health Care heard HB2510, a bill to hold gun owners liable for the violent crimes of thieves,” OFF alerted members Thursday.
2021 is the year that Oregon Democrats have chosen to empower and enrich criminals while attacking the rights of the law-abiding.
Gun confiscations? We do know that recent actions by ATF indicate that Federal agencies are eager to enforce whatever restrictions they can get away with.
Our gun rights hang in the balance. Those in power in Oregon are actively assisting in the destruction of the state and the only thing that can change that is you.
While cities across America are burning, Portland continues to make national news as the site of some of the worst violence.
Whatever slowing in gun sales we may have seen after the initial COVID spike has no doubt been replaced by another upsurge due to the opening of riot season.
Once again, the Oregon Republicans have unfortunately nominated several candidates who strongly embrace liberal Democrat values.
Current events have created a loss of liberties the likes of which we have never before seen. Many are out of work and many closed businesses will not reopen.
Rest assured the Governor and the Oregon Democrats will be using any trick or procedural move they can to somehow enact their very dangerous and unpopular bills.
Oregon Democrats want to mandate that your doors and windows of your residence are closed and locked if you have a gun?
The short version is this; under this bill, any school or local government body can declare their property and surrounding property off-limits to CHL holders. This is gun banner Burdick’s dream child.
Bloomberg will, once again, be busing in his stooges to promote this attack on your rights. Showing up at the hearing to let the legislature know where we stand is critical.
This bill not only forces you to lock up your self-defense firearms, it punishes you even if you DO lock up firearms & penalizes gun owners if their firearms are stolen.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has released its latest version of legislation to render your self-defense firearms worthless.
Because it is invited testimony only, we can all expect the same red shirts and gun haters only to testify on taking away your rights. They can forbid you from testifying, but they cannot keep you out
Just in time for the Christmas Holiday, the folks at [anti-gun] “Lift Every Voice” have presented 3 new ways to send Oregon gun owners to jail. Including a ban on the “semi-automatic assault firearm.”
OR voters have no idea how many liabilities they facing even if they attempt to comply with this effort to render them and their families defenseless.
Under this measure, not only will you be required to render your self-defense firearms inaccessible and useless under most circumstances, but you will be punished if any are stolen.
The measure not only requires that your self-defense firearms be rendered useless but it also, (once again) holds you responsible for the criminal misuse of a firearm stolen from you.
The irony is the last time the Democrats walked out, it was Democrat Governor Kate Brown who led them. The hypocrisy is staggering.
Governor Kate Brown is working with law enforcement in other states to get them to assist in the arrest of the absent Republicans and all the Republicans are facing fines of $500.00 for every day they
According to the Salem Statesman-Journal, Burdick, a Portland Democrat, vowed to “continue pushing for gun control measures in future sessions.”
Oregon Republicans have had it and are ready to dig in their heels. Democrat policies are bankrupting Oregon and their efforts to turn good Oregonians into felons have just gone too far.
We told you about SB 978 yesterday and assured you that this harmless looking bill was going to be gut and stuffed with draconian anti-gun language, and it has.
These fake bills are called “place holders.” We believe the Oregon Democrats are playing “hide the ball” with gun confiscation bills that will be amended at the last minute.
The YamhillOregon County Commissioners will be considering a Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance this Thursday March 21st 2019 at 10 am.
This bill has enormous potential and the people behind it are dedicated to keeping kids safe, but it needs some work. We look forward to amendments to make this well-intentioned bill truly effective.